Betting Rules
1. Rules for accepting bets
1.1. Bets are accepted by the Organizer on the basis of the valid Line shown on the website of Organizer on the date of betting.
1.2. Bets are accepted on the main time of the match, unless otherwise stipulated in the rules.
1.3. Bets are accepted before the start of the event. The exception is Live bets accepted on events that are currently taking place. The player, placing the corresponding bet, confirms that he/she does not know the outcome of the event on which the bet is placed.
1.4. All disputable issues (incorrect bet calculation, uncalculated bet, etc.) are accepted within 30 days from the end of the event.
1.5. Changes in the Line (odds of winnings, values of forfeits and totals, limits for express bets, maximum bet amount, etc.) can be made by the Organizer at any time. The terms and conditions of the bets placed by the Player before the changes were made to the Line will be retained.
1.6. The minimum and maximum bets on all sporting events are determined by the Organizer and are subject to change without prior written notice.
1.7. Any bet (including Live bets) placed on an event, the result of which is already known at the time of betting, is considered void and subject to refund and will also be excluded from the express bet.
1.8. All bets in the home betting line, made after the start of the match, are calculated with odds of 1.
1.9. The Organizer makes every effort to provide accurate information. However, the Organizer is not responsible for the correctness, completeness and timeliness of the information provided. Errors in the provided information on the event are not a reason to cancel the bet. The exception is when the event errors are accompanied by incorrect odds (obvious misprints in the odds, mismatch between the odds and the actual score of the event), on which bets were made.
1.10. The player is the only person responsible for his/her bets. It is the player's responsibility to ensure that the details of his/her bet are correct. Once a bet has been placed and its acceptance confirmed, it cannot be changed or canceled by the Player. All bets are clearly displayed on the screen along with a request for the Customer's password to confirm their acceptance of the terms and conditions of the bets before they are accepted. Once a bet has been accepted, no amendments can be made.
1.11. Communication failures or other technical failures in the Player's communications are not a reason to cancel a bet if the bet has been registered on the server.
1.12. Disqualification of a player/team
If a player (or team) is disqualified due to unsportsmanlike play (cheating/fraud/collusion/using cheats/no-show) - all bets in this match are to be settled at odds of 1. Disqualification for violation of the rules of the competition and/or inappropriate behavior/moral appearance of players is not a reason to return bets on the game.
1.12.1. Unfair sportsmanship
If there are reasons to believe that the game was unsportsmanlike (cheating/fraud/collusion/using cheats) - all bets on such a match are subject to calculation with odds of 1.
1.12.1-а. Changing the calculation of the match
The Organizer reserves the right to change the calculation of the match on the basis of an official source within 10 days after the end of the event. After this period no claims for recalculation of the event will be accepted.
1.12.2. Game postponement
If a game is postponed for more than 48 hours, all bets on the match/maps shall be settled with odds of 1. The exception is tennis, the events of which can be played throughout the tournament and bets shall be settled according to the official result.
1.12.3. Play-offs
If a match has been interrupted and will be continued from the current score/specific moment of play in the next 48 hours, all bets will remain valid and will be settled according to the final result of the match.
1.12.4. Replay.
If a match/map has been interrupted and will be replayed in the next 48 hours, bets for which the result was determined at the time the map was interrupted will be settled on the basis of the current score. The remaining bets on the map will be settled at odds of 1. The bets on the match remain valid and will be settled on the final result of the match.
1.12.5. Technical defeat
In case a player (team) receives a technical defeat in the match before its start, all bets are calculated with odds of 1. If a player (team) is eliminated in the course of the competition (injury, refusal, technical defeat, etc., but excluding disqualification) after the start of the match/map (the start of the map means the start of the game timer), the calculation of the event is as follows:
● Betting on marquee Victory in a map (if it has been started but not finished) and Victory in a match will be calculated according to the official result.
● Marquee bets on maps for which the result is known at the time of the event interruption will be settled according to the available result.
● Bets on the marquee maps of the match (handicap on the maps, exact score on the cards, total and even/odd odds on the maps) are calculated based on the calculation of the Winner of the map.
● Bets on marquees for which the result has not been determined at the moment of interruption of the event will be calculated from odds 1.
● If a map has not started, all outcomes of that map (including the Winner of the map) will be settled at odds of 1.
● If the winner of the map is not determined (due to a technical defeat before the start of the map), the marquee "Match Winner" is calculated according to the official result.
● Other marquees for the match are calculated only if their outcome was predetermined by the outcomes of maps played before the technical defeat (the map on which there was a technical defeat and maps played after it are not taken into account). If the outcome of the marquee was not determined, bets on such marquee are settled with odds "1".
1.12.6. Changing the format of the match.
A change in the format of the match should be understood as a change in the planned number of maps in the match and/or the decision of the match organizers to give a player (team) an advantage of one map. In such a case, bets made on map marquees will be settled, and bets on match marquees (including match win, match point, handicaps on maps, totals and even/odd cards) will be settled with odds of 1.
1.13. Organizer has the right to refuse to accept bets from Players without giving reasons, as well as to refuse to accept bets from those who have violated the Rules, and Organizer reserves the right to close or temporarily block the accounts of individual Customers without prior notice.
1.14. Users are prohibited from placing multiple identical bets on the same match in order to circumvent the limits. Such actions will be considered as a gross violation and may result in additional limits, restriction of betting opportunities or blocking of accounts.
1.15. Map duration (GAME TIME OVER/UNDER)
When accepting bets on the marquee on “Map duration (GAME TIME OVER/UNDER)", options are accepted on how long the map/game will be. The map duration is determined by the internal game timer. // Example: "Map Duration", the map lasted 36 minutes 01 seconds. This counts as the 37th minute of play, and the winning position in this case would be "Greater than 36.5", the losing position would be "Less than 36.5". If the map lasted 36 minutes 00 seconds, in this case the winning position would be "Less than 36.5" and the losing position would be "More than 36.5".
1.16. Winner - bet on the winner of the match, is calculated according to the score by the number of won maps in the match or rounds, if the match was within one card. The bet is calculated taking into account the additional rounds.
1.17. In case of events preventing the normal operation of the betting shop (technical failures, human factor, etc.), bets will be considered invalid and will be returned to users in full amount.
2. Types of bets
2.1. Straight
A straight is a bet on a single selection in a single event. It is the simplest type of bet where your selection must win in order to receive a win (return). Once you have selected a certain result you would like to bet on, simply indicate the desired bet size and confirm it. If this result is correct, you have won. The winnings are calculated by multiplying the odds by the amount of your bet.
2.2. Express
By betting on the outcome of two or more events, your bet automatically becomes an "express" in the game coupon. The total odds in the "express" are calculated by multiplying the odds of all outcomes. Please note that all events included in the "express" must be guessed to win, a loss on one of the events of the "express" means a loss on the whole "express".
● Express (2) is one bet on two selections in different events. Both selections must win in order to receive a win (return);
● Express (3) is one bet on three selections in different events. Three selections must win in order to receive a win (return);
● Express (X) is one bet on X selections in different events. X selections must win in order to receive a win (return).
2.3. System
When betting on the outcomes of three or more events, you have the opportunity to make a bet of the "system" type in the coupon. Within this type of bet you are offered to create a number of expresses, which will become the components of the "system". The "possible winnings" of such a bet are calculated by adding up the winnings of all the expresses that make up the "system". By selecting a combination of, for example, two out of three (2\3) or three out of six (3\6), you select the number of events that must be guessed to receive at least part of the winnings. To get the full "possible winnings", you must guess all the events included in the "system". Losing on one of the events in the "system" will result in a smaller win. In some cases, the winnings may be less than the bet amount. As the funds in the "system" are distributed in equal parts between the expresses that make up the system when betting, the amount of winnings will depend on which expresses are played and at what odds. The size of the total bet is calculated by adding together all bets on groups. A group is one express in the "system".
● The System (2\3 - two events out of three) is 3 expresses, each making up two events. Two selections must win in order to receive a win, all events (3) must be played in order to receive the full amount of the "possible winnings";
● The System (2\4 - two events out of four) is 6 expresses, each of which is two events. Two selections must win in order to receive a win, all events (4) must be played in order to receive the full amount of the "possible win";
● The System (3\6 - three events out of six) is 20 expresses, each of which is three events. The three selections must win in order to receive the full amount of the "Possible Win", all events (6) must be played;
● The System (X\Y - X events from Y) is Z expresses, each of which makes up X events. X selections must win in order to get the winnings, all events (Y) must be played to get the full amount of "Possible Winning";
Before placing a bet, You can check the structure of the combination and the possible winnings of each of the expresses in the "Select Combination" section by clicking on the check mark to the right of the number that indicates the number of expresses that are part of the "system".
3. Placing bets from bonus balance
3.1. When placing bets from the bonus balance, the rules and conditions for wagering the active bonus apply. These conditions can be found directly in the section "Promotions" Organizer.
3.2. If the bet was placed from an unplayed bonus balance, which was burned in the payment before the bet was settled - this bet will be considered canceled and no further settlements will be made on it.
3.3. Each player has two balances - real and bonus. First of all, his/her real balance is used for betting. Only when the amount on the player's real account is equal to zero, he/she starts playing with bonus money. All winnings received when playing with bonus money are credited to the player's bonus balance.
3.4. If a bet is made from the bonus balance, which was subsequently wagered (funds converted into real ones), then further calculations on such a bet will not be made.
3.5. If the player for one reason or another does not want to use the bonus funds, he/she can place bets exclusively on real funds, without using the bonus funds. The actual amount of available real funds is always available to the player by clicking on the balance at the top of the screen.
4. Live bets
"Live bets" are bets that are accepted on the course of an event and only on outcomes, the result of which has not yet been determined. Live bets are offered in a special section "Live bets".
4.1. Odds in Live Betting
The odds on events change in real time. The odds may go up or down between the time a bet is selected and accepted, which may affect the value of your winnings.
The odds on these bets are constantly changing to reflect the developments in the match.
4.2. Results on Live bets
The Organizer calculates live bets on the basis of its own statistical data on the actual course of the game. Unless otherwise stated, all bets on athletes not participating in the competition are void in live betting. For outcomes, the result of which is known in the course of the match, the calculation of bets, if possible, takes place immediately after the event.
All bets, the outcome of which was determined in the "Live" mode (in particular, bets on who will win a certain part of the match or whether the total "for more" took place), are considered valid and are settled even if the tournament or the event was interrupted.
Claims on bets placed on a Live Event will be accepted within 24 hours from the start of the event.
If a match is interrupted or not completed within 48 hours, the bets calculated to that moment are not subject to recalculation. For outcomes where the result is not clearly defined, which did not take place and/or completely not completed - the coefficient of winnings on bets is taken equal to "1" (return of bets).
5. Minimum and maximum bet
5.1. Minimum bet
The minimum bet size for all events and sports is 25 UAH.
5.2. Maximum bet
The maximum bet amount per event is indicated in the current line and determined by the Organizer specifically for each event and for each type of bet and is subject to change without prior notice of any nature.
The Organizer reserves the right to limit the maximum and minimum bet amount for individual events, to accept repeated bets on the same outcome or on virtually the same combination of outcomes from one bet participant and/or group of bet participants, as well as to introduce and remove restrictions of any nature for any bet participant and/or group of bet participants without further notice and without any explanation of the reasons for such restrictions.
6. Bonuses and promotions
Organizer regularly runs promotions for newcomers and regular players. You can get more detailed information by contacting our Service and technical support team.
7. Cashout
7.1. Cashout is an option by means of which the site user can request early settlement of his/her bet (before the full completion of the sporting event).
7.2. Cashout is offered only for the type of bets - Straight. For individual matches or outcomes the opportunity may not be offered by the company.
7.3. Cashout can be used at any time after placing a bet and as long as the sell option is available for that bet. In some cases, the option to sell a bet may not be available for various technical reasons (lack of possibility to broadcast the match, technical errors in the display of the score, etc.), however, the option may be resumed in the future.
7.4. To sell a bet you must be a registered user, the option is available in the sections of the site "Coupon - My Bets" and "Profile - Bet History". When opening the details of the bet, you must click on the "Cashout" button at the bottom of your bet.
7.5. The available amount is displayed in the bet coupon in the line "Cashout". The amount may vary and is calculated separately for each specific bet.
7.6. There may be delays in accepting a cashout request. A cashout request may be unsuccessful if the outcome has been canceled or has become irrelevant.
7.7. The cashout amount offered at any time is the amount that will be refunded to your account if the request is successful.
7.8. Our site reserves the right to cancel the cashout in the following cases:
● The cashout amount was displayed incorrectly;
● The bet was sold after the outcome of the event on which the bet was placed was known.
● If the bet or the outcome was settled incorrectly;
● If the cashout has taken part in bonuses or promotions;
In the event that the betting action is canceled, the settlement will be made according to the outcome of the sporting event on which the bet was placed.
7.9. Our website reserves the right to change the terms and conditions or not to offer the cashout option without giving reasons and prior notice;
8. Interval marquees
8.1. Interval marquees - bets are accepted on events that will occur in a certain period of time. When calculating bets the time 14:59 is considered as the 15th minute, the time 15:00 is considered as the 16th minute. Intervals 31-45 and 76-90 are calculated without taking into account the compensated time in the half.
Example: A bet was made on the total of goals over 0.5 in the interval 1-15.If the goal is scored at 14:59, the bet will be calculated as a win. If the goal is scored at 15:00, then the bet will be calculated as a loss, as this goal will be taken into account in the interval 16-30.
9. Cybersports
9.1. The calculation of bets on cybersports is carried out on the basis of the General Rules, taking into account the specifics of betting inherent in a particular cybersports discipline.
9.2. Formats of cybersports games Bo1, Bo2, Bo3, etc. (Best of 1, 2, 3, 5, etc. ) - the total number of maps in a match in which the prevailing number of victories must be scored. The winner of the match is determined by the sum of won maps, for example, Bo3 - minimum 2 maps, Bo5 requires 3 wins, etc.
9.3. DOTA 2
9.3.1. The final calculation is based on the data recorded at the moment immediately after the destruction of the main building (Throne/Fortress/Nexus) of one of the opponents. Similarly, the calculation is made in case one of the teams surrenders (the throne/fortress/nexus in this case is not destroyed by the direct impact of the enemy). Victory is awarded to the team opposing the surrendered team.
9.3.2. Map advantage before the start of the event. By decision of the regulations/judges (not to be confused with a technical defeat or a bet on a forfeit) in some cases one of the teams can be awarded a victory in 1 map "in absentia". In the line at the outcomes on the total/fora of maps or on the exact score on maps or on the victory in a particular (in the sequence) map, this "absentee" map is taken into account as actually played.
9.3.3. Winner - bet on the winner of the match.
9.3.4. 1x2 - similar to the Winner outcome, but takes into account the possibility of a draw. It is offered in meetings where a draw is possible (for example, in bo2 series).
9.3.5. Bet with 0 - bet on the victory of one of the teams without taking into account the draw. In case of a draw the bet is calculated with odds of 1 (returned).
9.3.6. No. of map - Winner - bet on the winner of the selected map.
9.3.7. No. of map - total kills - bet on the total number of kills made within one map. All kills that are made before the end of the map are taken into account, including kills after writing "gg" in the general chat. The calculation is made according to the final score of the teams in the post-match statistics, i.e. the bet does not take into account deaths that are not counted for the opposing team - kills by allied units, neutral creeps, suicides by abilities or items, etc. Also please note that the count of team kills may differ from the total value of kills or deaths in the teams, so, for example, when a hero dies from enemy creeps or tower, the kill is not counted for the enemy heroes but is counted for the enemy team, and is taken into account when calculating the total kills and even/odd kills on the map.
9.3.8. Map No. Duration - bet on how long the specified map will last in minutes. It is calculated according to the in-game timer.
Example: when betting on an outcome over 36.5, a map must last at least 36 minutes and 01 seconds to be considered a winning bet. After the timer has passed the mark of 36 minutes, the 37th minute begins, so 37>36.5. In case the map lasted less than 36 minutes (including 36 minutes 00 seconds), the bet is calculated as a losing bet.
9.3.9. Map No. Total Kills Even/Odd - a bet on an even or odd number of kills committed by both teams within the specified map, excluding neutral/allied kills, suicides, etc.
9.3.10. Odd/even maps - a bet on an even or odd number of maps within a match.
9.3.11.Total of maps - total number of maps played in the match.
9.3.12. Match Handicap is the advantage or disadvantage of one of the teams, expressed in the number of winning or losing maps. Example: For a bet on Team Secret (-1.5) to be considered a winning bet, a team must win on maps with a difference of two or more maps.
9.3.13. Exact Map Score - It is offered to choose the exact final score of the match played on maps. Example: Exact score by map 0:2, to win the bet it is necessary that the team N2 wins with the score 0:2, with any other score the bet loses.
9.3.14. Map No. Team will shed first blood - bet on which team will make the first kill on the specified map, without taking into account neutral/allied kills, suicides, etc.
9.3.15. Map No. - N Team Total Kills - bet on how many kills the selected team will make within the selected map. The final value of the team kill counter (the score near the timer) is taken into account, not the kills or deaths of the heroes in the teams.
9.3.16. Map No. - race to X kills - bet on which of the teams will be the first to make the selected number of kills. In case if none of the teams will make the required number of kills, the bet will be calculated with odds "1".
9.3.17. Map No. - X kills - a bet on which of the teams will make the number of kills. The score of kills is based on the total number of kills of both teams. In case the total number of kills does not reach the required value, the bet will be calculated with odds "1".
9.3.18. Killing the First Roshan (Map No.) - bet on which team will kill the first Roshan on the specified map.
9.3.19. Map No. total Roshan kills (over/under) - bet on how many Roshans will be killed on the selected map (more or less than the selected value).
9.3.20. Destroy First Tower - a bet on which team will be the first to destroy the opposing team's tower. The team that destroys the first tower earlier than the opponents will lose, even in cases when the tower is achieved by their team.
9.4. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO)
9.4.1. Winner - bet on the winner of the match. The match is considered to have started after the first kill in the "pistol" round. - similar to Winner, but a draw is taken into account as an option. It is offered in matches where a draw is possible (e.g. bo2 or bo1 matches without overtime).
9.4.3. Bet with 0 is a bet on the victory of one of the teams without taking into account the draw. In case the match ended in a draw, the bet is calculated with the odds "1" (returned).
9.4.4. Map No. - Winner (including overtime) - bet on the winner of the selected map within the match, includes additional rounds.
9.4.5. Map No. - Winner of the first half - bet on the team that will be the first to win 8 rounds on the selected map.
9.4.6. Map No. - even/odd rounds - bet on the even or odd number of rounds played on the selected map without taking into account overtime.
9.4.7. Map No. - whether there will be overtime - bet on whether there will be overtime on the selected map.
9.4.8. Map No. - whether there will be a teamkill - a bet on whether there will be a teamkill from the selected team on the specified map. The term "teamkill" should be understood as "killing" a player of one's own team.
9.4.9. Map No. - will there be a knife kill - a bet on whether on the specified map the selected team will kill an opponent's player with a knife.
9.4.10. Map No. - pistol round winner - bet on which team will win the selected pistol round on the specified map.
9.4.11. Map No. - winner of two pistol rounds - bet on which team will win both pistol rounds on the specified map.
9.4.12. Map No. - bomb set in N pistol round - bet on whether a bomb will be set in the specified pistol round on the specified map. Pistol rounds are defined as the first and sixteenth rounds in the overall standings on a map.
9.4.13. Total Rounds is a bet on the total combined number of rounds played by both teams within the match, excluding overtime.
9.4.14. N team - total rounds - a bet on the total number of rounds won by the specified team within the match, excluding overtimes.
Example: a player bets on the outcome greater than 24.5 of team No.2 and the match of the format Bo3 ended with the defeat of the specified team with the score 11-16; 13-16.The total number of rounds won by team No.2 =24 (11+13) - the bet loses, because the number of won rounds is less than the value specified in the Talon. If the bet was made on the outcome less than 24.5 with the number of rounds won in the match equal to 24, it wins.
9.4.15. N team - total winning pistol rounds -- a bet on whether the specified team will win the selected number of pistol rounds in the match.
9.4.16. Map No. - Total Rounds -- a bet on the total number of rounds within a map, not including overtime. Example: if a player bets on an outcome greater than 26.5 and the total number of rounds played on the map is 26 - the bet loses, as the number of rounds played is less than the value specified in the Talon. If the bet was made on the outcome less than 26.5 with the number of rounds equal to 26, the bet wins. The maximum number of rounds that can be played is 30.
9.4.17. Map No. - N Team Total Rounds - a bet that Team N will win the specified number of rounds in the specified map without taking into account overtime.
9.4.18. Map No. - N Team Total Rounds for Terrorists/Counter-Terrorists - bet that Team N will win the specified number of rounds in the specified map without taking into account overtime, playing for the specified side: offense (Terrorists) or defense (Counter-Terrorists).
9.4.19. Map No. - total of rounds ended by bomb explosion - bet on the total number of rounds within the specified map (excluding overtime) ended by bomb explosion.
9.4.20. Map No. - total kills in a pistol round - a bet on the total number of kills from both teams in the selected pistol round within the specified map.
9.4.21. Round Handicap - the advantage or disadvantage of one of the teams expressed in the total number of winning or losing rounds in a match, excluding overtime.
9.4.22. Map No. - Round Handicap - the advantage or disadvantage of one of the teams expressed as the number of winning or losing rounds on the specified map, excluding overtime.
9.4.23. Map No. round X - Winner - bet on the team's victory in a certain round on the specified map. Victory in a round is achieved by killing all opponents on the map, by detonating/detonating a bomb, or is determined by the end of the round time.
9.4.24. Map No. - race to X rounds - a bet on which team will be the first to win a selected number of rounds on a specified map.
9.4.25. Map No. - exact score - bet that the specified map will finish with the specified score. If the score on the map reaches 15-15, all bets on this event will be settled at odds of 1.
9.4.26. Even/Odd maps - a bet on the total even or odd number of maps played in the match.
9.4.27. Total of maps - the total number of maps played in the match including overtime.
9.4.28. Handicap of maps - advantage or lag of one of the teams expressed in the number of winning or losing maps taking into account overtime.
9.4.29. Exact score on maps - it is offered to choose the exact final score in the match played on maps.
9.4.30. Map No. round X - Winner - bet on the team's victory in a certain round in the specified map. Victory in a round is achieved by killing all opponents on the map, by detonating/detonating a bomb either, or is determined at the end of the round time.
9.4.31. Map No. - round X - method of victory - you are asked to choose the exact method of victory in the selected round on the specified map. Victory in the round is achieved in one of the possible ways: killing all opponents on the map, detonating a bomb, defusing a bomb, or is determined by the end of the round time.
9.4.32. Overtime - victory on the map is achieved by winning at least 16 rounds. In the situation of a tie on the map (when the score of rounds is 15-15), the tournament regulations usually provide for 6 additional rounds, the so-called "overtime". Victory in overtime is awarded to the team that first wins 4 of the 6 extra rounds. In the event of a draw in overtime (both teams winning 3 rounds each during overtime), the next overtime (6 additional rounds) will be scheduled.
9.4.33. Map No. - 1x2 N overtime - a bet on the winner of the selected overtime of the specified map, a draw is taken into account as a variant of the outcome.
9.4.34. Map No. - exact score of overtime N - bet that on the specified card overtime N will end with the specified score.
9.4.35. Map No. - Odd/even number of overtime rounds N - bet on even or odd number of rounds in overtime.
9.4.36. Map No. - Total of overtime rounds N - bet on the total number of rounds played in overtime N - bet on the total number of rounds played in overtime N.
9.4.37. Map No. - the winner of the first half of overtime N - bet on the team, which on the selected map in overtime N will be the first to win 3 rounds. For example, if the player bets on the outcome more than 5.5 and in overtime the total number of played rounds is 6 - the bet wins, because the number of played rounds is greater than the value specified in the Talon. If the bet was placed on an outcome less with the number of rounds played 4 or 5 - the bet wins.
9.4.38. Map No. - Total more + win - a bet on which team will win the map in the main time and at that the total aggregate number of rounds played by both teams will be more than a certain value within the map. Bets are accepted without taking into account overtime (in the case of overtime all outcomes of the marquee are calculated as a loss).
9.5. Valorant.
9.5.1. Winner - bet on the winner of the match. The match is considered to have started after the first kill in the "pistol" round.
9.5.2. 1x2 - similar to Winner, but a draw is taken into account as an option. It is offered in matches where a draw is possible (e.g. bo2 matches or bo1 matches without overtime).
9.5.3. 0 Handicap is a bet on the victory of one of the teams without taking into account the draw. In case the match ended in a draw, the bet is calculated with the coefficient "1" (returned).
9.5.4. Map No. - Winner (including overtime) - bet on the winner of the selected map within the match, includes additional rounds.
9.5.5. Map No. - Winner of the first half - bet on the team that will be the first to win 7 rounds on the selected map.
9.5.6. Map No. - even/odd rounds - a bet on the even or odd number of rounds played on the selected map without taking into account overtime.
9.5.7. Map No. - whether there will be overtime - bet on whether there will be overtime on the selected map.
9.5.8. Map No. - pistol round winner - bet on which team will win the selected pistol round on the specified map.
9.5.9. Map No. - winner of two pistol rounds - bet on which team will win both pistol rounds on the specified map.
9.5.10. Total Rounds - a bet on the total combined number of rounds played by both teams in the match, excluding overtime.
9.5.11. N team - total rounds - a bet on the total number of rounds won by the specified team within the match, excluding overtimes.
9.5.12. Map No. - N Team Total Rounds - a bet that Team N will win the specified number of rounds in the specified map without taking into account overtime.
9.5.13. Handicap of Rounds - advantage or disadvantage of one of the teams, expressed in the total number of winning or losing rounds in the match, without taking into account overtime.
9.5.14. Map No. - handicap of rounds - advantage or disadvantage of one of the teams expressed in the number of winning or losing rounds on the specified map, excluding overtime.
9.5.15. Map No. - race to X rounds - a bet on which team will be the first to win a selected number of rounds on a specified map.
9.5.16. Odd/even maps - a bet on the total even or odd number of maps played in the match.
9.5.17. Total maps - the total number of maps played in the match, taking into account overtime.
9.5.18. Handicap of maps - advantage or disadvantage of one of the teams expressed in the number of winning or losing maps taking into account overtime.
9.5.19. Exact score by maps - it is offered to choose the exact final score in the match played by maps.
9.6. Overwatch
9.6.1. Winner - a bet on the result of a separate match or round.
9.6.2. Map No. - Winner - bet on the winner of the selected map - similar to the outcome Winner, but takes into account the possibility of a draw. It is offered in matches where a draw is possible.
9.6.4. Maps Total - the total number of maps played in a match.
9.6.5. Match Handicap - the advantage or disadvantage of one of the teams, expressed in the number of winning or losing maps.
9.6.6. Odd/Even maps - a bet on the total number of maps (even or odd) in a match.
9.7. League of Legends, League of Legends: Wild Rift Mobile Legends: Bang Bang
9.7.1. Winner - bet on the winner of the meeting.
9.7.2. 1x2 - similar to Winner, but takes into account the possibility of a draw. It is offered in meetings where a draw is possible (for example, in bo2 series).
9.7.3. Head start with 0 - bet on the victory of one of the teams without taking into account the draw. In case of a draw the bet is calculated with odds of 1 (returned).
9.7.4. Map No. - Winner - bet on the winner of the selected map.
9.7.5. Map No. - total kills - bet on the total number of kills made within one map.
All kills made before the end of the match are taken into account, including kills after writing "gg" in the general chat. The calculation is made according to the final team score in the post-match statistics, i.e. the bet does not take into account deaths that are not counted for the opposing team - kills by allied units, neutral creeps, suicides by abilities or items, etc. Please also note that the team's kill count may differ from the total value of kills or deaths in teams, so, for example, when a hero dies from enemy creeps or a tower, the kill is not counted by the enemy heroes, but is counted by the player as a death, and is not taken into account when calculating the outcomes of total kills and even/odd kills on the map.
9.7.6. Map No. Duration - bet on how long the specified map will last in minutes (more or less than the specified value). It is calculated according to the in-game timer. Example: when betting on an outcome greater than 36.5, a map must last at least 36 minutes and 01 seconds to be considered a winning bet. After the timer has passed the mark of 36 minutes, the 37th minute begins, so 37>36.5. In case the map lasted less than 36 minutes (including 36 minutes 00 seconds), the bet is calculated as a losing bet.
9.7.7. Map No. Total Kills Even/Odd - a bet on an even or odd number of kills committed by both teams within the specified map, excluding neutral kills, suicides, etc.
9.7.8. Odd/even maps - a bet on an even or odd number of maps played within the meeting.
9.7.9. Total maps - the total number of maps played in the match.
9.7.10. Match Handicap - the advantage or disadvantage of one of the teams, expressed in the number of maps won or lost.
Example: in case of a bet in a Bo5 match on the outcome Cloud9 (-1.5), the team must win on maps with the score 3:0 or 3-1.In case of a bet in a Bo3 match on the outcome Cloud9 (-1.5), the team must win on maps with the score 2:0.
9.7.11. Exact Score on Maps - It is offered to choose the exact final score in a maps match. Example: when betting on Exact Map Score 0:2 the teams must play 0:2 to win, otherwise the bet loses.
9.7.12. Map No. - race to kills - bet on which team will be the first to make the selected number of kills. In case none of the teams gets the required number of kills, the bet will be calculated with odds 1.
9.7.13. Map No. Team will shed first blood - bet on which team will make the first kill on the specified map, without taking into account neutral kills, suicides, etc.
9.7.14. Map No. - 1 dragon - bet on which team will be the first to kill a dragon in the specified map.
9.7.15. Map No. - 1 tower - bet on which team will be the first to destroy the tower of the opposing team in the specified map.
9.7.16. Map No. - 1 baron - bet on which team will be the first to kill a baron in the specified map.
9.7.17. Map No. - 1 inhibitor - bet on which team will be the first to destroy the inhibitor in the specified map.
9.8. PUBG, Fortnite, Apex Legends
9.8.1. The recording of the end of the game as a clip on Twitch is available upon request.
9.8.2. Total Headshot Kills - only frags (kills of opponents) made by hitting the opponent's head are counted.
9.8.3. If the game is played in a team format (duo or squad), then "Total Kills" and "Total Headshot Kills" - are calculated only for one player, which is specified in the name of the event, but the occupied final place (Top 5/10/20...) is counted for the whole team.
9.8.4. In cases where a streamer has left the game via the game menu before landing on the surface, bets will remain valid for the next game.
9.8.5. If there are circumstances where the result of the match is unknown, all bets on events for which the outcome of the match is not known at that time will be settled according to the results available at the end of the match, all other bets will be settled at odds of 1.
9.8.6. If the streamer has changed the mode of play, all bets that were placed prior to landing on the surface will be calculated with odds 1.
9.8.7. The company is not responsible for any actions of the streamer, bugs or program errors in the game that affected the result.
9.8.8. In case of streamer's streamsniping the company reserves the right to calculate the bets made on the current game with odds of 1.
9.9. Starcraft II
9.9.1. Winner - bet on the winner of the match.
9.9.2. Map No. - Winner - bet on the winner of the selected map
9.9.3. Map No. Game Time More/Less - bet on the duration of the selected map. Example: when betting on an outcome greater than 20.5 it is necessary that the map lasted at least 20 minutes 01 seconds to consider such a bet a winning one. In case the map lasted less than 20 minutes (including 20 minutes 00 seconds), the bet is calculated as a losing bet.
9.9.4. 1x2 - similar to the outcome Winner, but takes into account the possibility of a draw. It is offered in matches where a draw is possible.
9.9.5. Map Total - the total number of maps played in a match.
9.9.6. Match Handicap - the advantage or disadvantage of one of the players, expressed in the number of won or lost maps.
9.9.7. Odd/even maps - bet on the total number of maps played (even or odd) in the match.
9.9.8. Exact score on map - it is offered to choose the exact final score in the match played by maps. Example: when betting on Exact score on the map 3:1, it is necessary for player N1 to win with the score 3:1, with any other score the bet loses.
9.10. Hearthstone, Artifact
9.10.1. Winner - bet on the winner of the match.
9.10.2. Game No. Winner - the winner of the game with the specified number.
9.10.3. Who will get a coin Game No. - which of the players will go second in the Nth game. Determined by which player will have a coin in the starting hand.
9.10.4. Total Games - bet on the number of games played between players.
9.10.5. Exact score by map - it is offered to choose the exact final score in the match played by maps. Example: when betting on Exact score 0:2 - to win the player must win with the score 0:2, otherwise the bet loses.
9.11. World of Tanks
9.11.1. Winner - bet on the winner of the match.
9.11.2. Map No. Winner - bet on the winner of the selected map
9.11.3. Map No. Game Time More/Less - bet on the time that one of the teams will take to completely destroy the opponent. In other words, the duration of one round. Example: when betting on an outcome greater than 20.5, a map must have lasted at least 20 minutes 01 seconds to be considered a winning bet. In case the map lasted less than 20 minutes (including 20 minutes 00 seconds), the bet is calculated as a losing bet.
9.11.4. 1x2 - similar to the outcome Winner, but takes into account the possibility of a draw. It is offered in matches where a draw is possible.
9.11.5. Team/Player Total Kills - number of frags. A frag is one kill of an opponent. Each team scores a certain number of points. Bets can be placed either on the whole team or on each individual player. The number of frags can be calculated for one round, a match consisting of several fights, or the whole tournament, if the team will go further than one match.
9.11.6. MVP (Player) - bet on the most valuable and efficient player. One of the performance indicators is the number of killed opponents.
9.11.7. Maps Total - the total number of maps played in the match.
9.11.8. Match Handicap - advantage or disadvantage of one of the teams, expressed in the number of won or lost maps.
9.11.9. Odd/even maps - bet on the total number (even or odd) of maps played in the match.
9.12. Halo, Starcraft I, Smite, Vainglory, Crossfire, Warcraft III, Clash RoyaleAge of Empires, Brawl Stars, Drone Racing, Free Fire, Halo, Mortal Kombat, Pokemon Unite, Quake, Racing esports, Rocket League, Soccer Mythical, Specials esports, Street Fighter
9.12.1. Winner - bet on the winner of the match.
9.13. King of Glory
9.13.1. Winner - bet on the winner of the match.
9.13.2. Exact map score - offers to choose the exact final score on maps within the meeting. Example: when betting on Exact Score on the maps 0:2 - it is necessary that the teams played with the score on the maps 0:2, otherwise the bet loses.
9.13.3. Match Handicap - a bet on the fact that one team will beat the second with an advantage in the number of won maps. Example: for a bet on the outcome of Vici Gaming (-1.5) to be considered a winning bet, the team needs to win the maps with a score of 2:0, because taking into account the handicap the final score will be 0.5:0.
9.14. Heroes of the Storm
9.14.1. Winner - bet on the winner of the match.
9.14.2. Exact Map Score - offers to choose the exact final score of the match. Example: when betting on Exact score on the map 0:2 it is necessary that the teams played with the score on the maps 0:2, otherwise the bet loses.
9.14.3. Match Handicap - a bet on the fact that one team will beat the second team with an advantage in the number of won maps. Example: for a bet on the outcome of Tempo Storm (-1.5) to be considered a winning bet, a team must win the maps with a score of 2:0, because with the handicap the final score will be 0.5:0.
9.15. Rainbow Six, Call of Duty
9.15.1. Winner - bet on the winner of the meeting, calculated according to the score by the number of won maps in the meeting or rounds, if the meeting was within one map. The bet is calculated taking into account additional rounds.
9.15.2. 1x2 - similar to the Winner outcome, but takes into account the possibility of a draw outcome. It is offered in meetings where a draw is possible (for example, bo2 series).
9.15.3. Map No. - Winner (incl. overtime) - bet on the winner of the selected map within the meeting.
9.15.4. Match Handicap - a bet that one team will beat the second team with an advantage in the number of won maps.
9.15.5. Maps Total - the total number of maps played in a match.
9.15.6. Exact map score - it is offered to choose the exact final score of maps within the meeting.
Example: when betting on Exact Map Score 0:2 - it is necessary that the teams played with the score on maps 0:2, otherwise the bet loses.
10.1. Australian football
10.1.1. Bets are settled on the basis of the official result of the match, including overtime. For all bets to be valid, the match must be played in full, unless the results of the markets have already been decided at the time of stoppage time. If there is a draw at the end of the match, all bets on the winner of the match will be canceled.
10.2. Motorsport
10.2.1. The start of the race shall be determined by the start signal for the warm-up lap. Any competitor who has started the race by that time but has not completed the race according to the rules shall be considered as a competitor who has not finished.
10.2.2. To calculate Rider vs. Rider bets, both riders must have started the race. If both drivers fail to finish, the calculation will be according to the number of completed laps. In cases where both riders have completed an equal number of laps, bets will be settled at odds of "1".
10.2.3. When calculating bets concerning the qualifying session, the results of the qualifying session will be taken into account, without taking into account subsequent changes to the starting grid.
10.2.4. In cases where the race was not completed and postponed without announcement of the final result, bets, the outcome of which cannot be determined at the time of stopping the race, will be calculated with odds "1".
10.3. American football
10.3.1. Bets are accepted taking into account overtime, unless otherwise stated.
10.3.2. Bets on the outcomes "1st Half/Match", "Head start" and on the parts of the match are calculated on the basis of the result at the end of the main time of the match (60 minutes of play, 4 quarters of 15 minutes). All other bets are settled on the basis of the official result of the match, including overtime.
10.3.3. For all bets to be valid, at least 55 minutes of the match must have been played, unless the results have already been decided at the time of stoppage time. If there is a draw at the end of the match, all bets on the winner of the match will be settled at odds "1".
10.3.4. The American football match must take place on the scheduled day and at the scheduled venue. If the American football match has not taken place in the current calendar game week and is marked as "postponed" on the source indicated by the organizer of the gambling, then all bets on it are considered invalid and will be calculated with odds "1".
10.4. Badminton
10.4.1. If a match is interrupted due to a player's refusal or disqualification, bets on the winner of the match remain valid provided that the first game has been played in full; in all other cases bets will be settled at odds of "1". Also, bets on other outcomes, except in cases where the results have already been determined at the time of stopping the match, will be settled with odds "1". The winner of the match is the player who has passed to the next round or the winner of the tournament.
10.4.2. In case the start of the match is delayed or the match is postponed for any reason, all bets remain valid until the end of the match or the end of the tournament.
10.5. Basketball
10.5.1. Betting in basketball on the victory of either team, a draw, on any outcome of the second half and the fourth quarter is accepted on the main time. Bets on all other proposed outcomes are accepted taking into account overtime, unless otherwise specified in the talon and/or line.
10.5.2. If the event ends before its official end time for any reason, and its result is not recorded on official sources as final, then all bets on such event are considered invalid, and payments on them are made in the amount of winnings with the winning odds equal to "1". The exception to this rule is betting live on outcomes that have actually finished and have been determined by the moment of stopping the match.
10.5.3. If the event has not taken place within 48 hours after the designated start time and indicated as "delayed", or "postponed" on the source by the organizer of the gambling, all bets on it are considered invalid, and payments on them are made in the amount of winnings with the winning odds equal to "1". If the date and/or time of the start of the event was changed before its actual start and on the source indicated by the organizer of the gambling, the event is not marked as "delayed", or "postponed", the organizer of the gambling reserves the right to change the date and/or time of the deadline for placing bets to a later date and/or time.
10.5.4. Wagers on the participant, are considered invalid, and payments on them are made in the amount of winnings with the winning odds equal to "1" in case the player did not take part in the match.
10.5.5. Betting on the statistical performance of a player. For a bet to be valid, the player must be involved in the game for more than one second and the stats count towards overtime, unless otherwise stated on the score sheet and/or line.
10.5.6. For calculation, a minimum of 35 minutes of the match must have been played in case the match has been scheduled for 40 minutes and a minimum of 40 minutes for matches of 48 minutes, excluding cases where marquees are possible to calculate at the time of stoppage of play.
10.5.7. If an overtime game is scheduled on the sum of the results of two matches, its result will be taken into account only in the marquees of the team's passage to the next round, the winner of the tournament and other.
10.5.8. High-scoring Quarter, High-scoring Half. If at the end of the main time of the match 2 or more quarters with the highest number of points or 2 halves with the same number of points are determined, then bets on these outcomes will be calculated with the odds "1".
10.6. Basketball 3х3
10.6.1. Betting on the result of the match (1x2) is calculated on the basis of the result at the end of the main time of the match (period of 10 minutes) or the final result when reaching the regulated number of points in the main time (21 points or more).
10.6.2. All other bets are settled on the basis of the result of the match, including overtime. If at the end of the match there is a draw (depending on the format of the tournament no overtime is played), all bets on the winner of the match will be calculated with odds "1".
10.7. Baseball
10.7.1. All bets are settled on the basis of the official result of the match, including all extra innings. Bets on the first half of the match are settled on the results of the first 5 innings.
10.7.2. Bets on the winner are valid if:
- the interrupted game is not resumed within 12 hours and at least 5 full innings have been played, or 4.5 innings if the team batting second is winning at the time of the stoppage;
- the scheduled number of innings has been reduced in accordance with the competition regulations or the match is scheduled to end early due to a significant advantage for one of the teams.
10.7.3. Bets on totals and head starts are valid if the game has been played for at least 7 innings (6.5 if the home team leads). If the game is interrupted or postponed in extra innings, its outcome is determined by the score recorded after the last full inning, except when the home team compares the score or takes the lead in the second half of the inning. In this case, the winner shall be determined by the score recorded at the time of interruption of play.
10.8. Box
10.8.1. The start of the fight is determined by the gong signal at the beginning of the first round. In cases where a fighter is unable to continue the fight after the gong signal after the start of the next round, the fight is considered to be over in the previous round.
10.8.2. Result of the fight (1x2). Bets on the event are accepted and calculated taking into account the outcome "Draw".
The result of the fight (winner). Bets on the event are accepted and calculated without taking into account the outcome "Draw". In case of a draw, all bets will be settled with odds "1".
"Victory on points". Means a victory won by the judges' decision after all rounds of the fight have been completed.
10.8.3. "Early Victory". Includes knockout, technical knockout, disqualification of the opponent or his/her refusal during the fight.
10.8.4 When calculating the outcome "Total Rounds", only the number of full completed rounds is taken into account.
10.8.5. In cases when the result of the outcome of the fight cannot be determined or the fight was stopped without a decision on the results, the bets on the outcomes, the result of which is unknown, will be calculated with the odds "1".
10.8.6. In cases when the format of the fight has been changed, bets on all outcomes, excluding the outcome of the winner, will be calculated with the odds "1".
10.8.7. Knockdown bets are won if the referee opens the score.
10.8.8. The victory of the selected contestant in a particular round will be calculated as a win in case of an early victory by knockout or technical decision in the selected round.
10.9. Bicycling
10.9.1. Bets to compare competitors against each other (athlete or team). Both contestants must start the competition for the bets to be valid. If one of the participants is eliminated during the competition for any reason, his opponent is considered the winner. If neither of the participants has finished the competition, then the bets on the comparison will be calculated with odds "1".
10.10. Water polo
10.10.1. All bets are settled on the basis of the result at the end of the main match time (32 minutes of play, 4 periods of 8 minutes), unless otherwise stated. Extra periods and 5-meter shootouts are only taken into account for bets on progression to the next round, on the winner of the competition, etc.... For all bets to be valid, at least 28 minutes of the match must have been played, unless the results have already been decided when the match is stopped.
10.11. Volleyball
10.11.1. The head start and total for a volleyball match is indicated in points, unless otherwise indicated in the line.
10.11.2. If the event ends before its official end time for any reason and its result is not recorded on official sources as final, then all bets on such event are considered void and payments on them are made in the amount of winnings with the winning odds equal to "1", except for cases when the event is interrupted and resumed within 48 hours. The exception to this is the betting of live bets on outcomes that have actually finished and have been calculated by the time the match is interrupted.
10.11.3. If the event did not take place within 48 hours after the designated start time and on the source indicated by the organizer of the gambling, marked as "delayed", or "postponed", then all bets on it are considered invalid, and payments on them are made in the amount of winnings with a winning odds equal to "1".
If the date and/or time of the start of the event was changed before its actual start and the event is not marked as "delayed", or "postponed" on the source indicated by the organizer of the gambling, the organizer of the gambling reserves the right to change the date and/or time of the deadline for placing bets to a later date.
10.11.4. Wagers on the participant, are considered invalid, and payments are made in the amount of winnings with a win ratio equal to "1" in case the player did not participate in the match.
10.11.5. "Golden Set" is not taken into account in the calculation of the match.
10.12. Handball
10.12.1. Bets are calculated based on the result at the end of the main match time (60 minutes of play, 2 halves of 30 minutes), unless otherwise stated. Extra time and a series of 7-meter shots are only taken into account in bets on the next round, another league, the winner of the competition, etc.... For all bets to be valid, at least 50 minutes of the match must have been played, unless the results have already been decided at the time of stoppage time.
10.12.2. Betting on the next goal (which team will score): bets are available as the match progresses. If the next goal is not scored, all bets on it will be settled with odds "1".
10.13. Golf
10.13.1. The golfer who takes the first place in the tournament is considered the winner.
10.13.2. Comparison of two tournament participants. The participant with the lowest score is considered the winner. In case of the same score - return.
10.13.3. If the participant who started the game quits the game before completing all 18 holes, he/she is awarded defeat irrespective of the score. The first shot to the side of the hole is considered to be the start of play. If a player quits before play has started, all bets on all players in that group will be settled at odds of "1".
10.13.4. If the start of the round is postponed or play is delayed during the round, all bets will be valid for 48 hours. If this event is postponed for more than 48 hours, the odds of winning bets will be taken as "1".
10.14. Darts
10.14.1. The start of the match is determined by throwing a dart into the field of play at the beginning of the first leg. The winner of the match is the player who has passed to the next round. If the match is interrupted due to the refusal or disqualification of a player, bets are canceled, except in cases where the results of the markets have already been determined at the time of stopping the match.
10.14.2. Match result (1x2). Bets on the market are accepted and settled taking into account the outcome "Draw".
10.14.3. Result of the match (winner). Bets on the market are accepted and calculated without taking into account the outcome "Draw". In case of a draw result all bets on the market are canceled.
10.14.4. If the match is interrupted due to the refusal or disqualification of a player, bets are canceled, except in cases when the results of the markets have already been determined at the time of stopping the match. The winner of the match is the player who has passed to the next round or the winner of the tournament.
10.14.5. Market "Who will be the first to reach 180". If none of the participants gets 180, the bets on the market are canceled.
10.15. Winter sports
10.15.1. In case of betting on the comparison of participants against each other (athlete or team), it is necessary to name the athlete (team) who will take the higher place in the final protocol. If both athletes took the same place, the winning coefficient on bets is taken equal to "1".
10.15.2. If athletes are eliminated at different stages of the competition, the priority in the calculation of bets shall be given to the stage reached by the athlete.
If both athletes (teams) are eliminated at the same stage (did not qualify for the next stage), the athlete (team) with the higher place at the end of this stage is considered higher.
If an athlete (team) did not participate in any stage of the competition (qualification, 1/4 finals, etc.), the coefficient of winning bets is taken equal to "1".
If the athlete (team) took part in the competition (started), but did not finish, the bets on it are considered lost.
10.15.3. “Misses”. Comparison of the total number of misses of the race participants. It is necessary to determine which of the proposed athletes will make more misses. In case of hitting the head-to-head, the odds of winning the bets are taken equal to "1". If the participant left the race without firing at all stages, then the outcomes that are unambiguously determined by the outcome of the race are accepted for betting calculations. The calculation of all other bets is made with odds "1".
If in the compared pair one participant did not start, the bets on the individual total of the second participant remain valid. For all other bets the calculation is made with the winning odds equal to "1".
10.15.4. "Misses in relay races". The number of misses in a relay race is calculated by adding the number of penalty laps and used extra cartridges of all team members.
10.16. Kerling
10.16.1. All bets are settled on the basis of the official result of the match, including the extra end (except bets on parts of the match). All bets are valid if at least 5 full ends have been played, unless the results have already been decided at the time of stoppage of the match.
10.17. Cricket
10.17.1. Bets are calculated on the basis of the official score sheet and other official sources of information. Bets on the victory in the match are accepted taking into account the bowl-out and super overs. All other bets on the match are settled without taking into account bowls out and super overs, unless otherwise agreed. In the absence of official results, all bets will be refunded.
10.17.2. There are several types of cricket match formats: Twenty20 International is a type of cricket in which the game lasts an average of three and a half hours. For example: ICC T20 World Cup, IPL league, CPL league, PSL league; One-Day International (ODI) is a form of cricket in which play lasts more than eight hours; Test match is a form of cricket that can last up to five days with a minimum of 90 overs per day with each team taking the role of batting twice.
10.18. Lacrosse
10.18.1. Bets on lacrosse matches are accepted including overtime, unless otherwise specified.
10.19. ММА
10.19.1. The start of the fight is determined by the referee's command "fight" at the beginning of the first round, the end of the round is signaled by the sound of the siren.
10.19.2. In cases where a fighter is unable to continue the fight between rounds, the last round fought is considered to be the winning round.
10.19.3. The result of the fight (1x2). Bets on the event are accepted and calculated taking into account the outcome "Draw".
The result of the fight (winner). Bets on the event are accepted and calculated without taking into account the outcome "Draw". In case of a draw all bets on the winner will be calculated with odds "1".
10.19.4. "Victory on points". Means a victory won by the judges' decision after all rounds of the fight have been completed.
10.19.5. "Early Victory”. Includes knockout, technical knockout, painful/stifling/voluntary submission, disqualification of the opponent or his/her refusal during the fight.
10.19.6. When calculating the outcome "Total Rounds" only the rounds from the start of which at least half of the round time has passed are taken into account (0.00-2.29 inclusive - the round is not counted, 2.30-5.00 - the round is counted).
10.19.7. In cases when the result of the outcome of the fight cannot be determined or the fight was stopped without making a decision on the results, the bets on the outcomes, the result of which is unknown, will be calculated with the coefficient "1".
10.19.8. In cases when the format of the fight was changed, bets on all outcomes, excluding the winner's outcome, will be calculated with the odds "1".
10.19.9. The victory of the selected contestant in a particular round will be calculated as a win in case of early victory by knockout or technical decision in the selected round.
10.19.10. The correctness of the results can be checked on the official websites of the organizations.
10.20. Table tennis
10.20.1. The head start and total for the match are indicated in points, unless otherwise specified. The format of the match is determined by the tournament regulations (BO5, BO7).
10.20.2. In team competitions, if one or more participants of any team are substituted for any reason, bets on the outcome of the whole match remain in force. In doubles matches, if the composition of the pairs is specified, when replacing at least one of the participants, the betting odds will be equal to "1"; if the composition is not specified, the bets will remain in force.
10.20.3. If the start of the match is delayed or the match is postponed for any reason, all bets remain in force until the end of the match or the end of the tournament.
10.20.4. If one of the participants refuses to continue the match for any reason (or is disqualified), bets on the victory in the match remain in force. All other bets are paid with the coefficient "1", except for the outcomes that are unambiguously determined by the moment of its stopping (for example, the outcome of the first set, etc.).
10.20.5 If the refusal (disqualification) occurred before the start of the match, all bets shall be paid with odds "1".
10.20. Olympic Games
10.21.1. Bets on the number of medals shall be calculated on the basis of the official medal count at the start of the closing ceremony of the Olympic Games. Bets on the comparison of participants against each other (athlete or team) based on the results of a competition consisting of several heats, races, disciplines, attempts, etc.:
● All comparable competitors must start the competition in order for the bets to be considered valid.
● The bets are calculated on the basis of the places in the final score sheet. If none of the competitors has a place in the final protocol, then the bets for the comparison are void.
● In playoffs, the contestant who has advanced to the later stage of the competition is considered the winner.
10.22. Beach volleyball
10.22.1. Head starts and totals for the match are indicated in points, unless otherwise stated.
10.22.2. If the match is interrupted due to a team's refusal or disqualification, bets on the winner of the match remain valid provided that the first game has been fully played, otherwise these bets will be settled with odds "1". Bets on other outcomes will be settled at odds of "1", unless the results have already been decided at the time of stoppage of the match. The winner of the match is the team that has passed to the next round or the winner of the tournament.
10.23. Beach soccer
10.23.1. All bets are settled based on the result at the end of the main match time (36 minutes of play, 3 periods of 12 minutes), unless otherwise stated. The extra period and penalty shootout are taken into account only in bets on the winner of the match, progression to the next round, on the winner of the competition, etc.
10.23.2. For all bets to be valid, at least 30 minutes of the match must have been played, unless the results have already been decided when the match is stopped.
10.24. Rugby
10.24.1. All bets are settled on the basis of the result at the end of the main match time (80 minutes of play, 2 halves of 40 minutes), unless otherwise stated. Extra time and a series of kicks will only be taken into account in bets on progression to the next round or on the winner of the competition. For all bets to be valid, the match must be played in full, unless the results of the markets have already been determined at the time of stopping the match.
10.25. Snooker
10.25.1. In cases where the match has been stopped (due to a player's refusal or disqualification), the winner is the player who has advanced to the next round or won the competition/championship, provided that at least one frame has been played in the match.
10.25.2. To calculate the outcomes of frames, head starts and special bets, a number of frames sufficient to determine the winner of the match must have been played. In cases where the winner has been determined before the end of the match and there is no possibility to determine the winning outcome, bets on head starts, frames and special bets shall be settled with odds "1".
10.25.3. In cases where the winner has been determined before the full number of frames required to win has been played, bets on the outcome "Maximum Break" will be settled at odds "1", except in cases where further play will not affect the calculation of the outcome.
10.25. Tennis
10.26.1. If a match is interrupted due to a player's refusal or disqualification, bets on the winner of the match remain valid provided that the 1st set has been played in full; otherwise these bets will be void. Bets on other markets are canceled, unless the results of the markets have already been determined at the time of stopping the match. The winner of the match is the player who has passed to the next round, the winner of the tournament.
Example 1. The match Alcaraz - Djokovic is interrupted at the score 1-0 (6:2, 0:3) because of Alcaraz's refusal. Bets on Alcaraz (-2.5) and Djokovic (+2.5) game head start, match total (21.5) game for game, set scores 2-0, 2-1 and 1-2 will be canceled. All bets on the 1st set, on match wins and on the score 0-2 by sets will be settled.
Example 2. The match Alcaraz - Djokovic is interrupted at the score 1-1 (6:4, 0:6, 0:1) because of Alcaraz's refusal. Bets on Djokovic's game handicap (+3.5) will be calculated as winning, and bets on Alcaraz's game handicap (-3.5) will be calculated as losing, as winning on this choice is impossible. Bets on match total by games more than 21.5 will be settled as winning bets, and bets on match total by games less than 21.5 will be settled as losing bets, as it is impossible to win on this choice (minimum number of games is 22: 1-2 (6:4, 0:6, 0:6)). All bets on 1st and 2nd sets, on match wins and on scores 2-0, 0-2 on sets will be settled. Bets on 2-1, 1-2 set scores will be canceled.
Example 3. The match Alcaraz - Djokovic is interrupted at the score 0-0 (4:4) because of Alcaraz's refusal. Bets on the total of the 1st set by games more than 9.5 will be calculated as winning, and bets on the total of the 1st set by games less than 9.5 will be calculated as losing, because winning on such a choice is impossible (the minimum number of games in the 1st set is 10: 6:4 or 4:6). Bets on the totals of the 1st set, which are not unambiguously determined, and all other bets will be canceled.
10.26.2 Bets remain valid in the following cases:
1) change of court surface;
2) change of venue;
3) replacement of an indoor court with an outdoor court.
10.26.3. If the refusal (disqualification) occurred before the start of the match, all bets are paid with the coefficient "1".
10.26.4. If a tennis match is interrupted, not completed on the same day and postponed, bets on it remain in force until the end of the tournament, within the framework of which this match was held, until the match is finished.
10.26.5. If the deciding set is played in a super tie-break format, it is considered as 1 game.
10.26.6. Betting on statistics. If a player refuses to play before the start of the match, the odds of winning a bet on his/her statistical performance shall be taken as "1". If a player refuses to play during the match, the bet is calculated according to the statistical data at the time of refusal to play.
10.27. Floorball
10.27.1. All bets are settled based on the result at the end of the main match time (60 minutes of play, 3 halves of 20 minutes), unless otherwise stated. Extra time and penalty kicks are only taken into account in bets on the winner of the match, progression to the next round, winner of the competition, etc. For all bets to be valid, at least 50 minutes of the match must have been played, unless the results of the markets have already been decided at the time the match is stopped.
10.28.1. Bets on all football matches are accepted on the main time, including the time added by the referee to each half. The time added by the referee to the 1st half is indicated on the official sources 45'+X' (where X - the number of minutes added) and is considered by the organizer of the gambling 45 minutes of the match. The time added by the referee to the 2nd half is indicated on the official sources 90'+X' (where X is the number of added minutes) and is considered by the organizer of the gambling game as the 90th minute of the match. The match is considered to have taken place if at least 75 minutes have been played. Scoring goals, substitutions of players and other events of the game, recorded in the added time of the referee, are considered to be made in regulation time. For competitions in which at the end of the main time of the match in a draw, the regulations provide for extra time and/or a series of penalty shootout, the line of the organizer of the gambling game provides the outcome of the "Winner of the match" or "Pass". For competitions, where the exit to the next round is determined by the sum of two matches, the line of the organizer of the game of chance provides the outcome "Pass". If the event ends before its official end time for any reason, and its result is not recorded on the official sources as final, then all bets on such an event are considered invalid, payments on these bets are made as payment of winnings with a coefficient equal to "1". The exceptions are betting live on outcomes that have actually finished and were calculated by the time of stoppage of the match, betting on the outcome "Pass", if the match was interrupted and finished within 48 hours, after the stoppage of the match.
10.28.2. If the event did not take place within 48 hours after the designated start time on the source indicated by the organizer of the gambling, marked as "delayed", or "postponed", then all bets on it are considered invalid, and payments on these bets are made as payment of winnings with odds of winning equal to "1". If the date and/or time of the start of the event was changed before its actual start, the organizer of the gambling reserves the right to change the date and/or time of the deadline for placing bets to a later one.
10.28.3. Next goal (team). Bets are available in the course of the match. Auto goals (goals in own goal) are considered to be scored by the team in which favor the score of the match has changed. If the next goal is not scored, the winning choice is "No goals".
10.28.4 Author of the first goal. Auto-goals (own goals) do not count. If the first goal was scored in own goal, bets on the author of the first goal will be calculated on the basis of who will score the second goal in the match. If in the match all goals were scored in own goal, then the winning choice will be "No goals" unless otherwise specified in the ticket and/or line. Bets on players substituted or sent off before the first goal has been scored are lost. If a player did not take part in the match or entered the field after the first goal was scored, the bets on this player are invalid, the payments are made in the amount of winnings with the winning odds equal to "1". If the first goal is scored by a player for whom no odds were offered, all bets on other players are considered lost, except for the cases when the choice "Any other player" was offered. If the choice "Any other player" is offered, bets on such a choice include all unspecified players.
10.28.5. Author of the last goal. Auto-goals (goals in own goal) do not count. If the last goal was scored in own goal, the author of the last goal will be the one who scored the previous goal. If all goals in a match are scored in own goals, the winning choice is "No goals" unless otherwise stated on the score sheet and/or line. All players involved in the match are considered as potential authors of the last goal, regardless of whether they were on the pitch at the time of the last goal or not. If a player did not take part in the match, the bets made on him/her are invalid, and payments are made in the amount of winnings with the winning odds equal to "1". If the last goal is scored by a player for whom no odds were offered, all bets on other players are considered lost, except for the cases when the choice "Any other player" was offered. If the choice "Any other player" is offered, bets on that choice include all unspecified players.
10.28.6. Willing Victory. Wagers made on the choice "Yes" win if the team wins in regulation time after losing the match.
10.28.7. Victory with a dry score. The concluded bets on the choice "Yes" win if the team won in regulation time without conceding goals into their own net.
10.28.8. First goal by a header. The concluded bets for the choice "No" win if the match ended with the score 0:0.
10.28.9. Whether any of the players will score exactly 2 goals or 3 or more goals. A bet on the choice "Yes" wins if a player scores exactly 2 goals or 3 or more goals respectively during the main time of the match. Auto goals (goals in own goal) do not count unless otherwise stated on the score sheet and/or line.
10.28.10. A goal in the referee's compensated time. The bets made on the choice "Yes" win if a goal is scored in the time added by the referee to the 1st or 2nd half.
10.28.11. When calculating the outcome of penalty shootouts, the results of the penalty shootouts actually taken shall be taken into account, including if the series was ended prematurely for one reason or another.
10.28.12. Statistical indicators. All bets are placed on the main time, except in cases specified separately. Total scores for the whole tournament, group stage, a particular team or player are determined by summing up the score sheets of each match taken from the official source of information.
10.28.13. Corner kicks. Corner kicks awarded but not taken do not count (e.g. a corner kick awarded but not taken before the final whistle does not count). If the referee does not score a corner kick and re-takes it, it will only be counted once, unless otherwise stated on the score sheet and/or line.
10.28.14. Yellow Cards. In all betting involving the number of player cautions, penalties will not count. In case a player is suspended for two yellow cards, one yellow card will count. Cards shown to substituted players, substitutes, coaches and other persons not participating in matches are not counted. Cards shown after the final whistle are not counted. Cards shown at half-time are considered to be shown in the second half.
10.28.15. Wager on the team that receives the 1st warning or makes the 1st substitution. If, according to the match protocol, these events occurred for both teams in the same minute, such bets shall be settled with odds of 1.
10.28.16. Statistical performance of players. Comparison of the performance of the players of the match - it is necessary to determine which of the players will be better by certain indicators - goals scored, shots on goal, shots on goal, fouls, offsides, distance traveled (km), etc.. Also, bets are accepted on the individual performance of players, without comparison. In cases when a player is not in the starting lineup, all bets on comparisons with him/her are calculated with odds "1", unless otherwise stated in the coupon.
10.29. Futsal
10.29.1. All bets are settled on the basis of the result at the end of the main match time (40 minutes of play, 2 halves of 20 minutes), unless otherwise stated. Extra time and a series of kicks from the 6-meter mark are only considered in bets on the winner of the match, progression to the next round, the winner of the competition, etc.... For all bets to be valid, at least 35 minutes of game time must have been played, unless the outcomes have already been decided at the time of stoppage time.
10.30. Field hockey
10.30.1. All bets are settled on the basis of the result at the end of the main match time (70 minutes of play, 2 halves of 35 minutes or 4 quarters of 17 minutes 30 seconds; 60 minutes of play, 2 halves of 30 minutes or 4 quarters of 15 minutes), unless otherwise stated. Extra time and penalty shootouts are only taken into account in bets on the winner of the match, the winner of the next round, the winner of the competition, etc... For all bets to be valid, at least 60 minutes must have been played for 70 minute matches and at least 50 minutes for 60 minute matches, unless the results of the markets have already been decided at the time of stoppage time.
10.31. Ball hockey
10.31.1. All bets are settled based on the result at the end of the main match time (90 minutes of play, 2 halves of 45 minutes or 3 halves of 30 minutes), unless otherwise stated. Extra time is only taken into account for bets on the winner of the match, progression to the next round, another league, the winner of the competition, etc.... For all bets to be valid, at least 80 minutes of the match must have been played, unless the results of the markets have already been determined at the time of stoppage of the match.
10.32. Ice hockey
10.32.1. Acceptance of bets on hockey matches is for the main time of the game (3 periods of 20 minutes, total 60 minutes of game time), unless otherwise specified in the Talon and/or line. At least 50 minutes of game time must be played for the calculation, excluding cases when it is possible to calculate the outcomes at the time of stoppage of play. Overtimes and shootouts are only considered in bets on the winner of the match, advancement to the next round, to another league, on the winner of the competition, etc. Overtime, appointed on the sum of the results of 2 matches, shall be taken into account only in bets on the next round, in another league, on the winner of the competition, etc.
10.32.2. Bets on the main time of the match, individual totals of the teams, additional head starts and additional totals, first period - match, first goal/concluding goal, how the first goal will be scored, both will score or at least one will not score, even/odd totals are accepted only on the main time as indicated in the line. Bets on the winner of the match are accepted taking into account possible overtime and\or post-match shootouts.
10.32.3. If the event did not take place within 48 hours after the designated start time and on the source indicated by the organizer of the gambling, marked as "delayed", or "postponed", then all bets on it are considered invalid, and payments on them are made in the amount of the winnings with the winning odds equal to "1". If the date and/or time of the start of the event was changed before its actual start and the event is not marked as "delayed", or "postponed" on the source indicated by the organizer of the gambling, the organizer of the gambling reserves the right to change the date and/or time of the deadline for placing bets to a later date.
10.32.4. Wagers on the participant are considered invalid, and payments are made in the amount of winnings with a win ratio equal to "1" in case the player did not participate in the match.
10.32.5. In case of betting on statistical indicators, a double minor penalty is counted as 2 minor penalties.
10.33. Chess
10.33.1. Bets on the result of the game are calculated on the basis of the official result of a particular game, and on the result of the match - on the sum of the results of all the games that make up the match.
10.33.2. If the start of the game is delayed or the game is postponed for any reason, all bets remain in force until the end of the game or the end of the tournament.
10.33.3. Victory taking into account the handicap (0). If at the end of the game there is a draw, all bets on this market are settled with odds "1".
Gambling Rules
11. General provisions
11.1. The Player must familiarize himself with the rules of each individual online casino gambling game before playing the respective gambling game on the Website or via the Mobile Application.
12. Rules of the gambling game Baccarat and its variants
12.1. General Rules of Baccarat
Two cards are dealt to the banker (dealer), and two cards are dealt to the Player in the gambling game. Card "Ace" is worth 1 point; Cards "10", "J", "Q" and "K" are worth 0 points. All other cards are worth the face value indicated on the card. Each pair is valued by adding the two cards together modulo (dividing with remainder) 10 (so if you have a 5 and a 6, it is worth 1, so 5 + 6 = 11 = 1 (modulo 10).
If the Player has 0,1,2,3,4,5 points, then the Player gets a third card unless the banker's hand has a point sum of 8 or 9. The Player’s hand is now considered complete. If the banker's point total is 3 *and* the Player draws a third card not worth a face value of 8, the banker receives the third card.
If the sum of the banker's points is 4 and the Player has drawn a third card that is worth face value 2,3,4,5,6,7, the banker gets the third card. If the sum of the banker's hand points is 5, and the Player draws a third card that has a face value of 4,5,5,6,7 the banker receives a third card.
If the sum of the banker's points is 6 and the Player draws a third card that is worth 6 or 7 in its face value, the banker gets the third card. In such a case, the hand with the highest score wins. Customers can bet: the Player's hand wins, the banker's hand wins, both hands are level.
12.2. The exact rules of Baccarat
The rules of certain variants of Baccarat may differ, before starting to play the Participant must make sure that he understands the rules of the game and familiarize himself with the rules of a particular game on the relevant page of such game on the Organizer's website or Mobile application.
Payouts of winnings are made in accordance with the rules of the game on the relevant page of such game on the website or Mobile application of the Organizer.
13. Rules of the gambling game Red Dog and its variants.
13.1. General rules of Red Dog
The order of cards - Ace (high), K, Q, J, 10, 9, 8, 7, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 Two cards are dealt. If they are neighboring in their face value (for example, 9 and 8 or 4 and 5, but NOT Ace and 2), the gambling game is considered a draw, and the payout is made with a coefficient of "1.00".
If the cards have the same value (for example, two 3's, or two 5's), the Player is not allowed to increase his bet in this round. Otherwise, the Player may increase his/her bet. A third card is then dealt. If the cards were identical, and the third card is also similar in value to the previous two cards (e.g., the third 3-of-a-kind, or the third 5-of-a-kind), the Player wins.
If the third card is not similar in value to the previous two cards, the bet is returned to the Player. If the third card is in value between the first two cards, the Player wins. In all other cases the Player loses.
13.2. The exact rules of Red Dog
The rules of certain variants of Red Dog may vary, before starting to play the Participant must make sure that he/she understands the rules of the game and familiarize himself/herself with the rules of a particular game on the relevant page of such game on the website, or in the Mobile application of the Organizer.
Payouts of winnings are made in accordance with the rules of the game on the relevant page of such game on the website, or in the Mobile application of the Organizer.
14. Rules for playing online slot machines and their variants
14.1. General rules of online slot machines
Basic game: The Player selects the amount he/she wishes to play for by using the on-screen buttons to increase or decrease the bet amount. There is always a minimum amount that can be bet, and usually a maximum amount that can be bet in a particular game.
When the Player has set the bet amount, the "Spin" or "Play" button or any other button clearly labeled (sometimes text, sometimes an icon) is pressed to start the game. This causes the machine's "reels" to spin (this is a computerized animation): each reel is a column on the screen that shows at least three icons grouped in horizontal rows. If at least three identical pictograms appear from left to right on a "reel", along the win line, the Player will be awarded an amount of money (winnings), which is listed in the table and available to the Player on the game screen in the help section of the game.
For example, three identical signs on a "reel" will result in a 20% payout of the Player's bet, four identical signs will result in a 75% payout of the Player's bet, and five identical signs may result in a 120% payout of the Player's bet (figures are given for example and do not necessarily correspond to any game).
A winning line is a continuous line from left to right on the "reels", which is described on the help page for the game and on which a payout is made if enough identical icons appear on it. Examples of a game with 3 reels, 3 lines and a 3-line game with 5 reels are shown below (X indicates where the icons should appear:
The Player can press the "Play" button, or other button that causes the game to spin the "reels" to immediately stop them. This does not give the Player an advantage, but it does speed up gameplay by reducing animation time.
Standard features of online slot machines: most games now offer "Wildcard" signs and free spins (game), apart from regular games. "Wildcard" can substitute for any sign in order to complete a winning line, such substitution is only possible once (so if two winning lines are possible but they require different icons, only one winning line is created by substitution). Free spins do not have to appear on a winning line: as soon as three free spin icons appear anywhere in the game, the Player is given several free spins (i.e. bets for which the Organizer pays the bet instead of the participant).
The number of free spins is determined randomly, but the number of free spins services will be higher if more than three free spins symbols fall together.
Autospin (Autoplay): instead of pressing "Spin", "Play", or another button, which triggers the game every time, the Player can choose a fixed (usually 10, 25, and 50) number of spins (games) to be bet on and select Autospin. It is then possible to watch the "reels" spin and winnings. With Autospin, the Player can choose to automatically stop Autospin when a certain amount is won, or lost.
Additional Features: Some games may have "Unique Features" that can add additional mechanics to the game. Such additional mechanics may include:
● Sticky symbols: when certain symbols appear on the "reel", they remain on the "reel" (it does not rotate) for a set number of turns. This improves the Player's chances of winning.
● Movable signs: when certain signs appear on a "reel", they remain on the "reels", but are shifted one "reel" to the left on each rotation until they reach the first "reel". On the next spin after that, they disappear and the game continues according to the standard rules.
● Enhanced Free Spins: these are free spins in their effects, but the free spins symbols pay out larger amounts than normal.
● Jackpot: every time certain symbols appear, they are added to the counter. When the counter reaches a fixed value (e.g. 3, 4 or 5), the Player receives the jackpot for it.
14.2. The exact rules of online slot machines
The rules of certain variants of online slot machines may vary, and it is the participant’s responsibility to ensure that he/she understands the rules of the game and to familiarize himself/herself with the rules of the particular game on the relevant page of such game on the Website, or on the Organizer 's Mobile application, before starting to play.
Payouts of winnings are made in accordance with the rules of the game on the relevant page of such game on the Website, or on the Organizer 's Mobile application.
15. Rules of the gambling game Blackjack and its variants
15.1. General rules of Blackjack
Ace can be counted as 1 or 11 points, cards of denominations 2 through 9 according to their face value, and tens and cards K, Q, J can be counted as ten points.
1. The value of a hand is the sum of the values of the individual cards. In addition, Blackjack is the highest hand consisting of an Ace and any 10-point card, and it is superior to all other 21-point hands.
2. After a Player has placed a bet, the dealer deals two cards to each Player and two cards to himself. One of his cards is dealt face up by the dealer. The face down card is called the "closed card".
3. If the dealer has an Ace card open, he will offer an additional bet called "insurance". This additional bet pays 2 to 1 if the dealer's card is any 10-point card. Insurance bets are optional and cannot exceed half of the original bet.
4. If the dealer's card is an open 10 or an Ace (after offering insurance with a showing Ace), the dealer looks at his card face down to see if he has Blackjack. If the dealer has Blackjack, the dealer immediately turns over the card.
5. If the dealer does have Blackjack then all bets (except insurance) are lost, if the Player also has Blackjack then this will result in a "push" (return of bet). At this point the dealer calculates the insurance bets.
6. The game starts with the Player to the left of the dealer. The options available to the Player are as follows:
- "Stand" - the Player stays with his/her cards.
- "Hit" - the Player takes one more card (and more if he wishes). If this card causes the Player's total points to exceed 21 (known as "breaking"-evil or "busting"), the Player loses.
- "Double" - doubling - the Player doubles his/her bet and receives one and only one card.
- "Split" - if a Player has a pair, or any two 10-point cards, he/she can double his/her bet and split his/her cards into two separate hands. The dealer automatically gives each card a second card. The Player can then "hit," "stand," or "double" normally. However, in the "split" action of two aces, each ace receives only one card. Sometimes the action of "double" after the action of "split" is not allowed. If a Player receives a ten and an ace after a "split" action, it counts as 21 points, not Blackjack. Usually a Player may continue the repeated "split" action for a total of four hands. Sometimes the repeated "split" action of two aces is not allowed.
7. After each Player has taken a turn, the dealer turns over his closed card. If the dealer has 16 points, or less, he draws another card. A special situation occurs when the dealer has an ace and any number of cards totaling six points (known as a "soft 17"). On some tables, the dealer may also perform a "hit" action with a "soft 17".
8. If the dealer exceeds 21 points, then any Player who has not already lost wins.
9. If the dealer does not lose, then the greater sum of the points between the Player and the dealer wins.
10. Winning bets are paid out in an "even money" format, except that Blackjack that wins is paid out 3 to 2.
15.2. The exact rules of Blackjack
The rules of certain variants of the Blackjack game may vary, it is the responsibility of the participant to ensure that he/she understands the rules of the game and to familiarize himself/herself with the rules of the particular game on the relevant page of such game on the Website or on the Organizer 's Mobile application before Playing.
Payouts of winnings will be made in accordance with the rules of the game on the relevant page of such game on the Website, or on the Organizer's Mobile application.
16. Rules of the gambling game Roulette and its variants
16.1. General rules of American roulette
The American roulette wheel consists of 38 numbered spaces: numbers from 1 to 36, zero and double zero. The betting layout consists of each individual number, as well as multiple "outside" bets on combinations of numbers. After Players place their bets, the dealer spins the wheel and the ball, and after a few seconds the ball hits one of the numbered spaces.
The following table shows the available bets, the winnings (on a one-to-one basis) and the probability of winning according to US rules.
Rate |
Payout |
Probability of winning |
Advantage of the Organizer |
Red |
1 |
47.37% |
5.26% |
Black |
1 |
47.37% |
5.26% |
Odd |
1 |
47.37% |
5.26% |
19 to 36 |
1 |
47.37% |
5.26% |
1 to 12 |
2 |
31.58% |
5.26% |
25 to 36 |
2 |
31.58% |
5.26% |
Six line (6 numbers) |
5 |
15.79% |
5.26% |
First five (5 numbers) |
6 |
13.16% |
7.89% |
Corner (4 numbers) |
8 |
10.53% |
5.26% |
Street (3 numbers) |
11 |
7.89% |
5.26% |
Split (2 numbers) |
17 |
5.26% |
5.26% |
Any exact number |
35 |
2.63% |
5.26% |
16.2. General rules of the gambling game European roulette
European roulette is roulette played on a wheel with 37 numbers, with only one zero. The payouts are the same as in American roulette. However, given that the double zero is not on the wheel, the organizer's advantage is reduced to 1/37, or 2.70%, on all bets.
16.3. The exact rules of Roulette
The rules of certain variants of the game Roulette may differ, before starting to play the participant must make sure that he/she understands the rules of the game and familiarize himself/herself with the rules of a particular game on the relevant page of such game on the Website, or in the Mobile application of the Organizer.
Payouts of winnings are made in accordance with the rules of the game on the relevant page of such game on the Website, or on the Organizer's Mobile application.
17. Rules for accepting bets
17.1. Betting and participation in gambling games are carried out in accordance with the Rules of the organizer of gambling games.
17.2 The Organizer is not responsible for technical failures in the operation of equipment, or interruptions in access to the Internet.
17.3 Bets and payments on them are carried out in accordance with the values recorded in the online systems for organizing and conducting gambling games of the Organizer.