Gambling means any game, the condition for participation in which is the Player's placing a bet that gives the right to receive a win (prize), the probability of receiving and the amount of which depends in whole or in part on chance, as well as the Player's knowledge and skill.

Casino gambling means cylindrical games (roulette), card games (including poker), dice games, and games on slot machines;

Betting activities - business activities related to organizing and conducting bets (betting and totalizator bets) in betting shops and/or on the Internet.

Betting means an agreement (bet) concluded between the Player(s) and the Organizer of betting activities with the consideration of these Rules, the Public Offer and the Betting Rules.

Brand of the gambling organizer means a set of qualitative characteristics that allow any person to distinguish the gambling organizer with the help of an intellectual property object, in particular, with the help of the "GGBET" brand

Website means, which is owned by the Organizer.

Winning (prize) means funds, property, property rights to be paid (issued) to the Player in case of winning a gambling game in accordance with the published rules of such gambling game.

Payout is a non-cash financial transaction for the payment and/or refund of player's funds from his/her client account to his/her personal (bank/card) account as provided for by the Gambling Rules. The payment includes, among other things, the return of a deposit, the payment of winnings.

Responsible game means a basic principle of organizing and conducting gambling, which provides for the implementation of measures by gambling organizers to prevent and minimize the negative consequences of an individual's participation in gambling, as well as measures aimed at organizing self-restrictions and self-control for players.

Virtual game means a game that is a set of virtual events created with the help of gambling equipment or mechanical and technical means, the outcome of which is unknown in advance and the outcome of which cannot be influenced by the player or gambling organizer;

Player means an individual who has reached the age of 21 at the time of participation in a gambling game, is legally capable, is not registered in the Register of persons who have limited access to gambling facilities and/or participation in gambling, has agreed to the organizer's rules, has read the organizer's privacy policy and has no objections to it, and has accepted the organizer's public offer, and voluntarily participates in a gambling game.

Deposit is an amount of money that is the Player's expense for participation in gambling and which the Player has transferred (deposited) to his/her client account in order to participate in gambling.

Law – Law of Ukraine “On State Regulation of Activities Related to the Organization and Conduct of Gambling” dated July 14, 2020 No.768-IX.

Law on financial monitoring – Law of Ukraine “On Prevention and Counteraction to Legalization (Laundering) of Proceeds of Crime, Financing of Terrorism and Financing of the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction” dated December 06, 2019 No. 361-IX.

Request (order) - a request created by a player on his/her personal client account (personal cabinet) in order to withdraw (pay out) player's funds from the player's client account.

Player's client account (personal account) is a part of the online system of the gambling organizer that provides the player with full information about his/her actions, agreements concluded with the gambling organizer, the balance of electronic money substitutes, and contains information necessary for the player's identification.

Odds are a numerical multiplier displayed on an event placed in an event line, which is used by the organizer to determine the outcome of a bet.

Event line is a list of events determined by the organizer of betting activities, on the possible outcome of which bets can be placed.

Internet Casino License - a license to organize and conduct casino gambling activities on the Internet, issued to the Organizer by the Commission for Regulation of Gambling and Lotteries 23.08.2023 in accordance with the Decision on issuance of the License No. 128 dated 08.08.2023.

Betting License means a License to organize and conduct betting activities issued to the Organizer by the Commission for Regulation of Gambling and Lotteries 23.08.2023 in accordance with the Decision on issuance of the License No. 129 dated 08.08.2023.

Licenses are the Online Casino License and the Betting License.

Mobile Application - software designed to run on mobile devices (smartphones, tablets, etc.) on different operating systems (IOS, Android, etc.), with the help of which the Player can access the functionality of the Website from a mobile device. The general term "Website" is used in this Agreement.

Unwanted Player is a player who violates the Law of Ukraine “On State Regulation of Activities in the Field of Organizing and Conducting Gambling”, the Licensing Conditions for Conducting Activities in the Field of Organizing and Conducting Casino Gambling on the Internet/ Licensing Conditions for Conducting Activities in the Field of Organizing and Conducting Betting Activities in Betting Shops and on the Internet, Rules of the gambling organizer, LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY “GGBET”, Agreement on participation in gambling (public offer agreement), other regulatory legal acts in the field of organization and conduct of gambling, public order, and also uses strategies in Bonus Wagering, or in respect of whom there is a reasonable suspicion of using methods, technologies, programs, techniques that may affect the results of the Winnings, or who prevents the payment of winnings, other payments, offends the honor and dignity of visitors, participants, representatives of the gambling organizer, other players and third parties, refuses to undergo the identification procedure (verification, data collection) or performs any other actions that interfere with the normal activities of the Organizer and damage its reputation.

The organizer of gambling (hereinafter referred to as the “Organizer” or the “Company”) is LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY “GGBET”, legal entity identification code: 44912194, legal address: 02002, Kyiv city, Yevhena Sverstiuka Street, bld.17, office 601, operating in accordance with the laws of Ukraine, in particular, the Law of Ukraine “On State Regulation of Activities on Organization and Conduct of Gambling”, on the basis of the License for Organizing and Conducting Betting Activities issued by the Commission for Regulation of Gambling and Lotteries 23.08.2023 in accordance with the Decision on issuance of the License No. 129 dated 08.08.2023 and the License for organizing and conducting casino gambling on the Internet issued by the Commission for Regulation of Gambling and Lotteries 23.08.2023 in accordance with the Decision on issuance of the License No. 128 dated 08.08.2023.

Betting is a gambling game that consists in concluding an agreement between a player (players) and the organizer of betting activities (betting), or between two or more players (totalizator bet), in accordance with the betting rules approved by the organizer of betting activities, on a previously unknown outcome of an event or events and the outcome of which the player (players) and/or the organizer of betting activities cannot influence;

Deposit refund is a financial transaction for the payment (withdrawal) of a deposit (in whole or in part) within the balance of the Player's client account, made on the basis of the Player's application, and which is not considered a Winning, Bet Refund.

Bet refund is a financial transaction for the payment to the Player of funds or a game substitute for UAH that the Player has actually transferred to the Gambling Organizer for participation in a gambling game, on the grounds provided for by the Rules of the Gambling Organizer and/or the Agreement on participation in a gambling game (offer) and which is not a payment of Winning, a Deposit Refund.

Deposit replenishment is a financial transaction of the Player to deposit funds to the Client Account for participation in gambling.

Scatter means a scatter symbol that can activate free spins if it appears in a combination specified by the slot machine developer in the game rules.

Bet means money or a game substitute for UAH transferred by the Player to the Organizer, which is a condition for participation in a gambling game and the amount of which is used to determine the amount of winning (prize) in accordance with the rules of such gambling game;

Authorized body - the Commission for Regulation of Gambling and Lotteries.

Any other terms shall be used in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation of Ukraine.


1.1. These Rules of the Gambling Organizer (hereinafter referred to as the "Rules") are established in accordance with p. 6, part 1, article 15 of the Law and determine a detailed description of the procedure and features of the organization and conduct of betting activities and the organization and conduct of casino gambling on the Internet using the Website and regulate the relationship between the Organizer and individuals (players)/visitors of the Website.

1.2. These Rules come into force from the moment they are approved by the Organizer and are binding on all Players.

1.3. The Organizer may change these Rules without any prior personal notification of such changes to the Players. The Players shall be deemed to have been notified of the changes to the Rules after the Organizer has posted the information on the Website.

1.4. Relations between the Players and the Organizer are governed by the legislation of Ukraine, these Rules and the Public Offer Agreement. Any disputes arising between the Player and the Organizer shall be resolved in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine.

1.5. By registering on the Organizer's Website, the Player confirms that he/she has read the Rules and unconditionally agrees that the Organizer will provide services in accordance with these Rules.

1.6. The Player realizes and accepts the risks of possible loss in gambling and/or betting, understands that the outcome of gambling and/or betting depends entirely or partially on chance. The player undertakes to stop participating in gambling and/or betting in case of signs of gambling addiction (ludomania) or if he/she feels that participation in gambling and/or betting negatively affects his/her financial situation, personal and social life.

1.7. If the Player does not agree to the terms of the Public Offer Agreement and/or these Rules, he/she is obliged to stop participating and/or not to participate in gambling and/or betting on the Organizer's Website.

1.8. The player confirms that he/she understands that some provisions of the Law of Ukraine "On Consumer Protection" cannot be applied to participation in a gambling game.

1.9. Registration on the Website and participation in gambling and/or betting are allowed only to persons who meet the requirements for a Player. The Player guarantees that at the time of registration on the Website he/she is at least 21 years old, has full civil capacity and is not in the Register of persons who have limited access to gambling facilities and/or participation in gambling and/or betting and voluntarily enters into the Agreement on participation in gambling, and his/her will is free and corresponds to his/her internal will. The player guarantees that he/she is not under the influence of drugs, alcohol or any other intoxication and has no other legal restrictions on participation in gambling.

1.10. If the Player is outside of Ukraine, he/she is responsible for compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the state of stay and the state of permanent residence of the Player to participate in gambling and other games for money, in particular, if gambling is prohibited in accordance with the legislation of the state of stay and the state of permanent residence of the Player.

1.11. In case of erroneous registration on the Website of a person who does not meet the requirements of the law and these Rules for a Player, the legal representative or other authorized person shall immediately provide the Organizer with a document confirming that the person does not meet the requirements for a Player, in particular, regarding incapacity, limited capacity or underage. If this fact is confirmed, the Organizer will immediately terminate the provision of services to such person.

1.12. The following persons are prohibited from participating in gambling on the Website:

1.12.1. at the request of an employee of the Organizer, if he/she has doubts about the person's reaching the age of 21, did not provide the employee of the Organizer with an identity document containing information about the person's age;

1.12.2. provided the Organizer and/or its representative with false information about themselves, including surname, name, patronymic, information about age, place of residence or place of stay;

1.12.3. persons with limited legal capacity and incapacitated persons;

1.12.4. persons included in the Register of persons who have limited access to gambling facilities and/or participation in gambling;

1.12.5. suffer from gambling addiction (ludomania);

1.12.6. are founders (participants, shareholders), managers of the Organizer, in which they are founders and/or hold managerial positions;

1.12.7. are representatives of the founders (participants, shareholders), managers of the Organizer, in which they are representatives of the founder and/or hold managerial positions;

1.12.8. may have information about the outcome of a gambling game;

1.12.9. have the ability to influence the outcome of a gambling game or the amount of payment (withdrawal) of winnings (prize);

1.12.10. is the chairman, members and officials of the Authorized Body, except for conducting inspections by the method of control purchases;

1.12.11. are in a state of alcoholic, narcotic or other intoxication, or are in a state of poisoning/intoxication.

1.12.12. are citizens and/or nationals of a state that has occupied a part of the territory of Ukraine in any way or that is committing aggression against Ukraine, recognized by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine as an aggressor or occupying state;

1.12.13. are individuals (regardless of citizenship, place of residence, etc.) who, according to the relevant decision of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine or a court, are publicly denying or supporting the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, the establishment of temporary occupation of a part of the territory of Ukraine, and who have not stopped or ceased their economic (including business) activities in the territory of the Russian Federation during the period of martial law in Ukraine, imposed in connection with the implementation of armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine”;

1.12.14. are individuals - citizens of the Russian Federation, as well as persons who are not citizens of the Russian Federation but have the closest connection with the Russian Federation, in particular, have a place of residence or are engaged in the main activity;

1.12.15. included in the NSDC sanctions lists;

In case the Organizer finds out the registered Client accounts of the specified persons, bets on online casino games in which they participated will be automatically invalidated, and the Client accounts will be blocked without the right to renew.

1.13. Any bets are made by debiting funds or electronic money substitutes from the Player's Client Account.

1.14. If a person, despite the prohibition established by law and these Rules, takes part in the game, the agreement on participation in a gambling game is void. No winnings (prizes) shall be paid (given out) under void contracts. In case the gambling organizer has paid (delivered) the winnings (prizes) to this person, such payment (delivery) of the winnings (prizes) shall be returned to the gambling organizer in full within the terms notified to such person by the organizer. In case the bet is subject to return to an individual, the gambling organizer shall be obliged to return the funds in the amount of the bet to the individual or his/her legal representative within the period specified by these Rules.

1.15. The Organizer is not obliged to provide legal and/or tax consultations to the Players.

1.16. The Organizer reviews Player complaints (including electronic ones) and provides responses within 10 (ten) business days. The Organizer has the right to extend the complaint review period by 10 (ten) business days, provided the Player is notified in advance.


2.1. In order to participate in gambling on the Website, the Player must create a Player’s Client Account (hereinafter referred to as the Client Account, Account, Personal Account) in the "Registration" section. When registering, it is necessary to indicate your e-mail address or phone number (login) and password, which will be used to log in to the system (Client Account), as well as fill out a questionnaire by entering personal data (last name, first name (if any), date of birth, phone number and other data) for further identification and verification.

2.2. The personal data specified in paragraph 2.1. during registration must be true. To confirm the provided information (verification), the Organizer has the right to request an identity document (including, but not limited to, a copy of your passport/ID card or other document), photos with the required document and/or use video communication tools as an additional verification tool. In case the requested information is not provided, the Organizer has the right to terminate the Account or suspend the registration of the Account during the registration process until the necessary information for identification is provided and/or permanently close the Account/terminate the registration of the Account in case of failure to provide it.

2.3. The registration data in the payment system and the data of the payment card holder must completely match the registration data in the Organizer's online system. If after the Player deposits funds to the account, the Organizer finds out that the above data in the payment system and the Organizer's system are not completely identical, the Organizer has the right to restrict the Player's access to such account and reserves the right to refuse to pay out until the documents confirming the right to own the payment instrument are provided, or to set individual conditions for paying out the balance on such payment instrument. If at the time of discrepancies detection, the available amount on the account balance is less than the initially deposited amount as a result of the Player's gaming activity in the Organizer's system, the Player may be refunded only the account balance as of the current date.

2.4. The person who provides personal data to the Organizer is responsible for the accuracy and correctness of the provided personal data. When registering, the Player confirms that he/she has provided accurate, complete and reliable information. If any personal data changes, the Player must update it in his/her Client Account or contact the Organizer's Support Service to make the appropriate changes in the Account.

2.5. The Player is responsible for the safety of the login and password and/or other secret information used by the Player to authorize on the Website. In case of change or loss of access to the authorization means used by the Player for authorization on the Website (e-mail address or access to it, mobile device (if used as an authorization means), etc.), the Player must immediately notify the Organizer through any available means of communication. The Player undertakes not to provide access (including login and password) for the use of his/her Account by third parties.

2.6. The Organizer bears responsibility:

2.6.1. if the Player cannot use the Website or use its resources;

2.6.2. in case of delays in the functioning of the Website or mobile application;

2.6.3. in case of any errors in the operation of the Website (mobile application);

2.6.4. for the consequences that occurred to the Player after setting the limits specified in subparagraph 3.6.6. of paragraph 3.6. of Section 3 of these Rules.

2.6.5. for any losses or damages that the Player or a third party may incur as a result of malfunctions of information technology tools caused by various kinds of attacks or other technologically harmful materials when using the Website and/or mobile applications of the Organizer, and/or downloading any materials posted on the Website and/or any links located on the Website.

2.7. If the Player has any questions or difficulties during registration, please contact the support service at the e-mail address, via online chat or by phone indicated on the Website.

2.8. A Player may open only one Client Account on the Website. All other Client Accounts opened on the Website will be considered duplicates and will be closed by the Organizer. The opening of a duplicate Client account/accounts can be carried out only in exceptional cases with the permission of the Organizer, in which case the previous client account of the player will be closed. The organizer has the right to close the duplicate Client account/accounts. In such a case, all operations carried out from the duplicate Client account/accounts will be considered invalid, and the Organizer has the right to request the return of funds previously withdrawn by the Player from the duplicate Client accounts. Funds remaining on the duplicate Client account are not subject to return to the Player.

2.9. In case the Player has problems with authorization or use of the current Client account, the Player must contact the Organizer with a description of this problem and cannot register any other account without the permission of the Organizer.


3.1. In order to be able to use his/her Account in full and to the fullest extent, the Player must deposit funds (deposit) to it.

3.2. The Player shall not disclose/notify (intentionally or accidentally) his/her login and password used when filling out the registration form to anyone. If the Player has lost or forgotten his/her Account data, he/she can recover the password by clicking on the link "Forgot your password?" located in the "Login" pop-up window (form).

3.3. The Player is solely responsible for the safety of his/her login and password, as well as for any actions and transactions carried out from his/her Client Account. The Player is responsible for all expenses incurred from his/her Client Account by third parties, unless the Player has taken measures to prevent or restrict access of third parties to his/her Client Account.

3.4. In case of unauthorized access to the Client Account and/or any other security breach, the Player is obliged to immediately notify the Organizer. The Player undertakes to provide evidence of such unauthorized access. Under no circumstances shall the Organizer be liable for any costs, losses and damages incurred by the Player as a result of actions of third parties from the Client Account, regardless of whether they were authorized by the Player or without the Player's knowledge.

3.5. All actions performed using the Player's Client Account shall be deemed to be performed by the Player until the opposite is proved.

3.6. When using the Client Account, the Player is obliged to:

3.6.1. comply with the requirements and obligations stipulated by the Law, other gambling legislation, as well as the Organizer's Rules and the rules of the respective gambling game;

3.6.2. provide, at the request of an employee of the Organizer, an identity document containing information about the age of the person, as well as other documents necessary for the identification of the Player;

3.6.3. at the request of the Organizer's employee, provide the Organizer with information about his/her bank account (including the Player's credit/debit card) from which bets will be placed and/or deposits made, in particular for the purpose of paying winnings (prizes), returning the deposit;

3.6.4. not to use payment instruments (bank cards/bank accounts) of third parties to replenish his/her Client Account or to make a payment from his/her Client Account;

3.6.5. at the request of an employee of the Organizer, stop participating in a gambling game in case the Player violates the legislation of Ukraine, these Rules and/or the Public Offer Agreement;

3.6.6. Before participating in gambling in the "Responsible Gambling" section, provide the Organizer with information about the limits for their client account (personal cabinet), namely:

- The limit of funds the Player wishes to spend on gambling over a certain period (day, week, month);

- The maximum continuous time the Player participates in gambling during a day and the maximum time of participation in gambling during a week.

3.7. When using the Client Account, the Player is entitled to

3.7.1. set personal restrictions on participation in gambling for a period of six months to three years by personally submitting a written application (application for self-restriction) to the Organizer or the Authorized Body, along with the presentation of an identity document;

3.7.2. replenish the deposit of the Client Account exclusively with the help of his/her means of payment (his/her bank card/bank account);

3.7.3. make requests for withdrawal of funds from the Client Account balance exclusively to their electronic payment instrument;

3.7.4. change the limits specified in subparagraph 3.6.6. no more than once a month by contacting the support service at or in the support chat.

3.7.5. exercise other rights provided for by the Law of Ukraine "On State Regulation of Activities on Organization and Conduct of Gambling" and these Rules.

3.8. The Organizer has the right to cancel winnings (prizes) and/or bets made both before the start of the game and after the end of the game, if such winnings (prizes) were received or bets were made by the Player as a result of a technical failure or error. At the same time, the Player's ignorance of a technical failure or error does not affect the Organizer's decision to cancel winnings (prizes) or bets. The Organizer may hold the Player liable for any damage caused if the Player knowingly used a technical or administrative error when topping up the player's client account and/or receiving funds to such account.

3.9. In case any funds have been mistakenly transferred to the deposit of the Player's Client account, the Player shall immediately notify the Organizer thereof. Winnings (prizes) received as a result of such an error will be considered invalid, and bets can be returned at the request of the Organizer, regardless of the period between the error and the moment of its detection.

3.10. If it is revealed that the Player has withdrawn funds that were previously deposited to the Player's Client Account and were not used by the Player to participate in gambling, or if the deposits were made for another purpose not related to participation in gambling (in particular, if there is a suspicion of fraudulent/artificial turnover of funds), the Organizer has the right to cancel any such deposit and recover from the Player all costs associated with such transactions.

3.11. If the Organizer has any doubts about the Player's identity and the accuracy of the data provided during the registration, the Organizer has the right to restrict the Player's access to the Client Account and/or suspend the refund of the deposit and the payment of winnings (prizes) from the Player's Client Account for the period necessary to verify the account holder.

3.12. The Organizer reserves the right to cancel the bets of the Players in full or in part, suspend the refund of the deposit, payout of winnings (prizes) and close the Player's Client account in case of violation of the Organizer's rules by the Player.

3.13. If as of December 31 of the respective year there is an unrequested amount of funds left on the Player's Client Account, which was the result of the Player's participation in gambling and was not used by the Player for any reason, and if more than 365 days have passed since the last win or bet (in case of its return), the Organizer has the right to close such Client Account, consider such debt uncollectible and write it off.


4.1. The Company carries out a mandatory procedure for identification (verification, data establishment) of individuals who intend to use the services provided on the Website in order to establish the identity of the Visitor and/or Player, as well as to fulfill the requirements established by the legislation of Ukraine.

4.2. Identification (verification, establishment of data) of the Visitor's age and his admission to gambling is carried out in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine.

4.3. Identity verification is carried out by checking the provided personal identification data and is carried out before the first bet on the Website.

4.4. The player guarantees, confirms and agrees that:

- at the time of registration, he/she is at least 21 years old;

- the Player is the full owner of the funds on the Client Account;

- all information provided by the Player to the Organizer during the registration, identification/verification and/or other period, including within the framework of any agreement requiring the deposit of funds, is true, up-to-date, accurate and fully corresponds to the name(s) on the credit/debit card(s) or other payment systems that will be used to deposit or receive funds to/from the Player's Client Account.

4.5. By agreeing to the Rules, the Player authorizes the Organizer to carry out identification, verification and other checks in accordance with the requirements of the law, regulatory authorities, as well as at the discretion of the Organizer to establish and confirm the Player's identity, contact information, age and other data (hereinafter referred to as the "Checks").

4.6. During the Verification, the Organizer has the right to restrict the Player's ability to deposit and/or withdraw funds from the Client Account.

4.7. If any information provided by the Player is unreliable, inaccurate, misleading and/or incomplete, as well as if the information provided does not correspond to the data specified in the documents confirming the Player's identity, the Player violates the Rules, and the Organizer has the right to block the Player's Client Account immediately and/or refuse the Player to use the Website services, as well as take other actions at its discretion.

4.8. If the Organizer is unable to confirm that the relevant person has reached the legal age, the Organizer has the right to suspend the Client Account of such person. If at the time of participation in the games on the Website, the age of the person taking part in the gambling game was less than the permissible age, in this case:

- the Client Account of a person under the age of 21 will be blocked;

- all transactions made during this time will become invalid, and the relevant funds deposited by a person under the age of 21 to the Client Account will be returned by crediting them to the bank account from which the said funds were deposited to the Client Account;

- any bets made by a person under the age of 21 during this time will be canceled and the corresponding Winnings will be forfeited. If such person has managed to withdraw the Winnings, such money shall be refunded at the request of the Organizer.

4.9. The Player, before participating in gambling, must fully understand the general methods, rules and procedures for the provision of Services and online casino gambling. The player understands that he/she is responsible for ensuring the accuracy of the bets and games. The Player undertakes not to perform any actions or deeds that may damage the reputation of the Organizer.

4.10. Identification, verification, and establishment of the Player's data involves the collection of the following data by the Organizer:

- last name, name, patronymic (if any) of the person;

- age (date of birth) of the person;

- information on the presence or absence of a person in the register of persons who have limited access to gambling facilities and/or participation in gambling.

4.11. Identification (verification, data establishment) of the Player is carried out by the Organizer in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of Ukraine using identification methods and (or) other verification methods used in accordance with the legislation on the protection of personal data and the Rules of the organizer of gambling games.

4.12. Identification (verification, data establishment) of a player on the Internet may be carried out by the Organizer using an electronic signature, a sim card with support for the MobileID method, the BankID method or other verification methods used in accordance with the law.

4.13. In order to identify (verify, establish data) the Player on the Internet, the Organizer has the right to request additional documents from the Player, in particular, an identification number (taxpayer registration number/tax number), a copy of an identity document, the Player's own image with the required document, or require the use of video communication means.

4.14. Identification (verification, establishment of data) of the Player's age on the Internet is carried out by the Organizer in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of Ukraine.

4.15. The Organizer shall introduce procedures (policies) by these Rules and organizational procedures that allow to reliably identify (verify, establish data) the age of the Player, including by imposing the relevant obligations on the Player by these Rules.

4.16. The Organizer shall comply with the legislation on personal data protection when identifying (verifying, establishing data) the Player using an electronic signature, a sim card with support for the MobileID method, the BankID method or other verification methods.

4.17. The player is responsible for the accuracy of the provided documents and information in accordance with the law.

4.18. The Organizer may also carry out secondary identification (verification, data establishment) of the Player on the basis of the identification card

4.19. In case the Player has violated the requirements for identification and verification in accordance with the Organizer's rules and the current legislation, the Organizer has the right to freeze (block) the funds deposited by such Player to the Client Account until such Player passes the identification/verification procedure in accordance with the established procedure. If within three years from the date of depositing such funds the Player does not apply to the Organizer with a request for the return of funds available on the balance of the Player's Client Account, the Organizer has the right to close such Client Account, and the balance of funds that was not withdrawn by the Player shall be attributed to bad debts and written off.

4.20. If the Player falls under the definition of a "Politically Exposed Person" or "person associated with politically exposed persons" or a family member of a politically exposed person within the meaning of Ukrainian or foreign legislation (including, without limitation, the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) Recommendations, European Union Directive 2015/849, etc.), the Player must notify the Organizer immediately after registration.


5.1. In order to be able to fully use his/her Client Account, the Player must deposit funds to the Player's client account, i.e. deposit funds to the balance of his/her Client Account.

5.2. Any financial transactions on the Player's Client Account shall be carried out only in the national currency of Ukraine - UAH. The Organizer accepts only those funds (payments) that have been sent to the Organizer's bank account from an account opened in a bank that is a resident of Ukraine.

5.3. When using a bank card to replenish the client account, the Player will be redirected to the payment page of the bank, with which you can make payments using VISA, MASTERCARD.

5.4. The Organizer does not bear responsibility in case of non-receipt of funds to the Player's Client account or delay in their crediting due to changes in internal procedures of financial institutions that carry out the transaction or due to other circumstances that occurred through no fault of the Organizer, including failures in data transmission channels, authorization centers, processing centers, etc.

5.5. Subject to these Rules and the laws of Ukraine, the Player may request a refund of his/her deposit and receive the winnings by specifying the relevant details for payment from his/her client account. The amount of the payout will be determined by the Player independently however, the amount of payment specified by the Player cannot exceed the amount of funds on the balance of the Player's Client Account. This option becomes available if previous payments to the Player's account have been approved by the Organizer and correctly processed by financial institutions or payment systems. In addition, the Player must not be suspected of fraudulent actions with funds, and his/her client account must be created in accordance with the laws and rules of the Organizer, with all necessary verification documents that have been checked by the Organizer to confirm the identity of the account holder.

5.6. The Organizer has the right to cancel the winnings (prizes) even after the end of the game, if such winnings (prizes) were won by the Player as a result of a failure or technical error. The above-mentioned cancellation is carried out by the Organizer regardless of whether the Player had information about the technical failure or error. If it turns out that the Player has deliberately used a technical or administrative error when depositing or receiving funds to his/her client account, the Organizer may hold the Player liable for any damage caused.

5.7. By conducting financial transactions on the Website, the Player confirms that he/she is the owner of the accounts from which he/she replenishes his/her Client Account or to which the Player withdraws (pays out) funds from his/her Client Account. The Organizer has the right not to carry out financial transactions with the Player until the Player fulfills the Organizer's request to present documents confirming that the bank (card) account belongs to the Player.

5.8. In case the funds were mistakenly transferred to the Player's Client account, the Player undertakes to notify the Organizer immediately. In case the Player fails to notify the Organizer about the mistakenly transferred funds to the Client account, the winnings (prizes) resulting from such an error shall be recognized as invalid, and the bets may be returned regardless of the time interval between the occurrence of the error and the time of its detection.

5.9. In case the Player performs transactions that do not comply with these Rules, i.e. transactions without the purpose of placing a bet, including inappropriate transactions (replenishment of the deposit if there are funds on the Client Account and/or replenishment of the Client Account and making a withdrawal request without placing a bet, i.e. unfair (fraudulent) turnover of money, etc.) to replenish the Client's account, the Organizer has the right to cancel the deposit and recover from the Player all expenses incurred by the Organizer in connection with the above-mentioned actions of the Player.

5.10. In case the Organizer has any suspicions about the Player's identity and compliance with the documents provided by the Player, the Organizer may restrict the Player's access to the Client Account and/or suspend the process of paying out winnings/refunding the deposit for the purpose of verification for a period of time in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine.

5.11. In some cases, the Organizer has the right to cancel all or part of the Players' bets, including suspending the process of paying out winnings (prizes) or returning the deposit and/or blocking the Player's Client account in case of violation of these Rules, the Public Offer Agreement and directly in the following cases:

5.11.1. when the Player uses payment instruments (bank cards/accounts) of third parties;

5.11.2. when the Player creates a duplicate Client Account (i.e. re-registration);

5.11.3. in case of discrepancies between the Player's data in his/her Account and the identification documents provided by him/her, or in case of providing the Organizer with false (fake) documents;

5.11.4. if the person does not meet the requirements for a Player;

5.11.5. if the Player misleads the Organizer;

5.11.6. if the Player uses fraudulent methods.

5.12. The Organizer has the right to independently determine the method of paying winnings/refunding the deposit to the Player.

5.13. The Player has the right to apply to the Organizer in order to close his/her Client Account, and based on such an application, the Organizer may decide to close the Player's Client Account. In such cases, the Player may return the balance of funds on the Client Account subject to the provisions of these Rules and the legislation of Ukraine.

5.14. In case more than 365 calendar days have passed since the last time the Player placed a bet on the game and since the last win in favor of the Player, including the return of the bet, the Organizer has the right to close the Player's Client Account and classify the balance of funds on such Client Account as bad debt and write it off.


6.1. Before placing a bet in a gambling game on the Organizer's Website, the Player must fund his/her Client Account, i.e. make a deposit.

6.2. The Player can place bets only with the funds available on the Client Account.

6.3. Prior to depositing his/her Client Account, the Player shall register a Client Account on the Website and undergo the identification and verification procedure in accordance with the requirements of these Rules.

6.4. In order to make a deposit to the Client Account, the Player must choose a deposit method convenient for him/her in the section "Cashier" on the Organizer's website.

6.5. All financial transactions on the Organizer's Website shall be carried out in non-cash form and in the national currency of Ukraine - UAH. The Organizer accepts only those funds (payments) that have been sent to the Organizer's bank account from an account opened in a bank that is a resident of Ukraine.

6.6. The Player must replenish the Client account independently, from a personal bank or payment account or in any other way, in accordance with these Rules.

6.7. After the Player performs all the necessary actions to make a deposit, the Client account must be replenished within 60 (sixty) minutes after the deposit, but not before the funds are received by the Organizer, unless otherwise provided by the current legislation of Ukraine. The Organizer shall not be liable if the Client's account is not replenished within the specified period due to the fault of third parties (work of payment systems, banks, etc.), due to force majeure circumstances (accident in authorization centers, loss of communication channel, etc.) or any other circumstances that the Organizer cannot influence.

6.8. The minimum deposit amount for the Client Account is 100 UAH.

6.9. The maximum amount of replenishment of the Client Account is 29,999.00 UAH.

6.10. When replenishing the Client Account, the Player is obliged to use a bank card issued exclusively in his/her name. In case the Player has used a payment instrument (bank card/bank account) of a third party, the Organizer has the right to cancel all transactions, winnings and bets of the Player that were made using a third party payment instrument.


7.1. By placing a bet in a gambling game, the Player confirms that he/she has read these Rules, the Public Offer Agreement and other rules, policies and documents available on the Organizer's Website.

7.2. Only the amount confirmed by the Organizer shall be accepted for placing a bet. The bet shall be considered accepted only after the Organizer confirms the acceptance of the bet.

7.3. Any gambling on the Organizer's Website is conducted in accordance with the established rules, subject to the limits of bets and payouts. The rules for accepting bets in each of the casino gambling games on the Organizer's Website and the rules for accepting bets for participation in betting are specified in the relevant rules of such gambling games and the rules for participation in betting, which are posted on the Organizer's Website.

7.4. The Player undertakes to place bets exclusively on his/her own behalf.

7.5. It is prohibited to accept bets on credit (with installment payments) or with subsequent payment on the Organizer's Website, except for paying bets with credit or debit cards if the payment is authorized. The Gambling Organizer does not provide loans to Players to participate in the game.

7.6. The result of online casino gambling is determined separately for each gambling game in accordance with the rules of the relevant gambling game, which are posted on the Organizer's Website. The results of betting are determined separately for each type of bet in accordance with the rules of participation in betting, which are posted on the Organizer's Website.

7.7. The Organizer has the right to deny the Player access to gambling in case the Player does not comply with the requirements specified in subparagraph 3.6.6. of paragraph 3.6. of Section 3 of these Rules.

7.8. The Organizer reserves the right to deny the Player the ability to use funds provided on credit terms for gambling activities.


8.1. The Organizer shall use the software that is part of its online system to record and calculate the amount of winnings (prizes) as a result of gambling.

8.2. The payment of funds from the Player's Client Account can be made exclusively in non-cash form in the national currency of Ukraine - UAH and subject to the provisions of the legislation of Ukraine.

8.3. Any payments/refunds from the Player's Client Account shall be made exclusively to the bank card issued in the Player's name. The Organizer does not pay out the winnings (prize), its equivalent or refund to any third parties, including the persons in whose favor the Player offers to pay out the winnings (prize), its equivalent or refund.

8.4. The Organizer may make a payment/refund from the Player's Client Account to the Player's bank card, which the Player used to make a deposit to his/her Client Account. In case of changes in the bank details of the Player's card, or if the deposit was made with another bank card and/or using another payment system, the Organizer must be notified. After receiving confirmation of changes in the details of the Player's bank card or payment system from the Organizer, the Organizer has the right to oblige the Player to make a minimum deposit with the appropriate card in order to "open" a transaction to receive a payment from the Client Account.

8.5. In order to pay out the winnings (prize) or refund from the Client Account, the Player must create a request for the amount of the winnings (prize) or deposit refund within the balance of his/her Client Account.

8.6. A request for payment of winnings (prize), deposit refund and other payments can be made on the Website in the section "Cashier - Withdrawal of funds"

8.7. The Organizer pays out the winnings (prize) or refunds from the Player's Client Account under the following conditions:

8.7.1. The Player has complied with these Rules;

8.7.2. All funds deposited to the Player's client account have been verified for the absence of inappropriate actions, and no payment has been voided or otherwise canceled;

8.7.3. The Player has made a request to the Organizer to pay out the winnings (prize) or refund from the Client Account.

8.8. Transactions for replenishment and withdrawal, payment and/or refund of funds from the Client Account must be made in UAH and by one payment method. Transactions on withdrawal, payment and/or refund of funds from the Client Account in favor of the Player are carried out by crediting funds to the bank account of a bank that is a resident of Ukraine. In case the Player does not have a bank account opened with a bank that is a resident of Ukraine, the Organizer has the right to withhold (not to carry out) transactions on withdrawal, payment and/or refund of funds from the Client Account in favor of the Player until the Player opens a bank account in a bank that is a resident of Ukraine and notifies the Organizer of the specified account through the support service by sending an e-mail with a photo (selfie) of the Player with a bank card to the following e-mail

8.9. The payment of winnings (prizes) based on the results of casino gambling on the Internet may not exceed 30 (thirty) days from the date of the Player's application.

8.10. The term for paying out the winnings (prize) or returning the bet in a betting may not exceed ten working days from the date of determining the recipient of the winnings (prize) or the bet to be returned. At the same time, the Organizer has the right to extend the term stipulated by this clause, but not more than for ten working days with the obligatory notification of the player who needs to pay out the winnings (prize) or return the bet about the extension of such term, indicating the reason for such extension and the time of payment of the winnings (prize) or return of the bet.

If the bet is subject to return to an individual, the Organizer shall refund to such person or his/her legal representative the funds in the amount of the bet within a period that may not exceed 20 (twenty) calendar days from the date of the request of such person or his/her legal representative.

8.11. The terms for processing the payment of winnings (prizes) or refunds from the Player's Client Account begin after the Player successfully creates a request for withdrawal of funds from the Player's Client Account.

8.12. The daily limit for withdrawal (payment/refund) of funds from the Player's Client Account may not exceed 29,999.00 UAH.

8.13. When making a payment of winning (prize) and other Payouts, in accordance with the Tax Code of Ukraine (hereinafter referred to as - the "TCU"), the Player is obliged to pay personal income tax (PIT) and military duty (MD) from the amount of payouts, which the Organizer as a tax agent accrues, withholds and pays to the budget on behalf and at the expense of the Player.

8.14. All commissions of banks, financial companies, payment systems, etc. that will be made during any payment in favor of the Player from the Client Account shall be borne by the Player by deducting the corresponding amount from the relevant payment (the cost of services of banks, financial companies, payment systems, commissions for transferring funds, etc.).

8.15. The Organizer has the right to withhold a penalty in the form of a fine of 23% in cases where the Player withdraws funds that did not participate in any gambling game in the form of bets.

8.16. When making a withdrawal of the Player's funds, the Organizer reserves the right to combine several (two or more transactions) into one. The Organizer also reserves the right to withdraw the Player's funds by dividing one transaction into several (two or more) transactions.

8.17. Financial transactions for the Deposit refund between a specific Player and the Organizer cannot exceed the amount that represents the positive difference between the total amount of Deposits made by the Player and the total amount of financial transactions for Deposit refunds.

8.18. Funds shall be credited to the Player's bank account in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine and internal rules of banking institutions, payment systems, and financial institutions.

8.19. In case of suspicious or fraudulent actions, including the use of stolen bank payment cards (credit/debit cards) and/or any other fraudulent activity (including any refunds or cancellation of payments), including depositing funds for the purpose of exchange between payment systems, the Organizer reserves the right to block such a Client account, cancel any payments made and collect any winnings. The Organizer has the right to inform the relevant authorities and/or organizations (including credit information agencies) about any fraudulent actions with payments or other illegal activities. The Organizer reserves the right to hire collection agencies to recover payments. Under no circumstances shall the Organizer be liable for any unauthorized use of bank payment cards, regardless of whether the theft of bank payment cards has been reported.

8.20. If possible and in certain cases, the Organizer may increase the daily withdrawal limit (payout/refund) from the Player's Client Account.


9.1. Self-restriction is a method by which a Player can independently restrict himself/herself in participating in gambling for a period of 6 (six) months to 3 (three) years at his/her own request.

9.2. Self-restriction is carried out by sending a written application (application for self-restriction) to the Organizer or the Authorized Body with the simultaneous presentation of an identity document.

9.3. In case the Player wants to send a self-restriction application to the Organizer, the Player must fill out a self-restriction application link. The application may be submitted in written or electronic form in compliance with the requirements of the Law of Ukraine "On Electronic Trust Services". When submitting an application for self-restriction to the Organizer, the Player is obliged to attach to the application a document proving the Player's identity.

9.4. The application for self-restriction must contain:

9.4.1. information on the last name, name, patronymic (if any) of the individual submitting the application;

9.4.2. information on the last name, name, patronymic (if any) of the person in respect of whom the restriction is imposed, data of the identity document (name of the document, series (if any), number, date of issue, name of the state body that issued the document, official name of the foreign state body in which the document was issued);

9.4.3. the period of refusal to visit gambling facilities and participate in other types of gambling;

9.4.4. date of the application and personal signature of the applicant (except for the application submitted in electronic form).

9.5. The Organizer shall immediately, but not later than within 24 (twenty-four) hours from the moment of receiving the application for self-restriction, return the application to the Player to eliminate the deficiencies only if it is impossible to identify the person in respect of whom the application was submitted or in other cases when the application is not properly executed.

9.6. The application for self-restriction shall not be withdrawn.


10.1. While using the Website, including the Mobile Application, the Player is prohibited to:

10.1.1. commit fraud, use malicious programs, bots, viruses, mass mailings and other illegal actions;

10.1.2. use aggressive, offensive manner of communication, profanity, threats, humiliation of other Players or employees of the Organizer;

10.1.3. provide false information, including changing, deleting any information from the Website and/or the Mobile Application;

10.1.4. transfer information about the relationship between the Player and the Organizer to third parties;

10.1.5. copy the Website and/or the Mobile Application and any parts thereof in any form without the written consent of the Organizer.

10.1.6. provide information about the relationship between the Player and the Organizer to third parties.

10.1.7. participating in criminal activities, money laundering and other activities, participation in which may entail criminal and any other liability;

10.1.8. commit fraudulent actions with bank payment cards, including the use of stolen, cloned or otherwise illegally obtained bank card data to replenish an account or other payment cards and payment instruments that the Player is not the owner of or that are not issued in the Player's name.

10.1.9. entering into or attempting to enter into a conspiracy and/or intending to directly or indirectly participate in any conspiracy schemes with another Player while playing on the Website;

10.1.10. using errors in the interface of the Website or the Organizer's software to gain access (including access to information) that would not otherwise be available to the Player. The Player shall notify the Organizer in case of obtaining such access.

10.1.11. violate and/or bypass the security systems of the Website and/or the Mobile Application. If the Organizer suspects that the Player is trying to hack, access or otherwise circumvent the security system or software, the Organizer will immediately ban the Player's access to the Website and Mobile Application Services and block the Client Account. The Organizer will be obliged to inform the relevant law enforcement and other authorized bodies about this.

10.1.12. sale or transfer of the Client Account to third parties.

10.2. The Organizer has the right to suspend, withdraw or cancel any refunds, payments, winnings or bets related to the bonus funds received from the Organizer if there is a suspicion that the Player is trying to misuse them.

10.3. The Organizer will take all possible actions to exclude, as well as to identify conspiracies and their participants, and appropriate measures will be taken against such persons. The Organizer shall not be liable for any losses or any damage incurred by the Player or any other user of the Website services as a result of collusion, fraudulent actions and other illegal actions. In such cases, the Organizer reserves the right to take any actions regarding the Player's Client account.

10.4. The Player must notify the Organizer as soon as possible by contacting the support service via chat, e-mail, or other contact details published on the Website if there are suspicions of collusion or fraudulent actions of other Players or users.

10.5. If the Organizer suspects a Player of fraud, the Organizer may at any time without prior notice deny the Player access to the Website Services and block his/her Client Account. In this case, the Organizer shall be relieved of its obligation to refund or otherwise compensate the Player for the funds held in his/her Client Account. The Organizer reserves the right to inform the relevant law enforcement and other authorized bodies about this.

10.6. The Organizer is not responsible for deficiencies in information technology tools resulting from the operation of the equipment used by the Player to access the Website, as well as for failures in the work of Internet providers.

10.7. If in case of violation/non-fulfillment of these Rules by the Player, the Organizer has not taken any sanctions, restrictions or other actions in accordance with these Rules or applicable law, such actions of the Organizer shall not be considered as a waiver of the right to impose sanctions or protect its rights and legitimate interests, in particular, in administrative or judicial proceedings, in the future.

10.8. The Organizer is not responsible for any losses or damages that the Player or a third party may incur as a result of shortcomings and failures of information technology tools caused by hacker attacks, malware when using the Website and/or Mobile Application, including in case of downloading any materials posted on the Website and/or Mobile Application and/or any links posted on the Website/Mobile Application.


11.1. The Player's account may be blocked at the Player's request.
11.2. To block the Player's account, the Player must send an official application of the established form to the email, which must be signed with the Player's qualified electronic signature.
11.3. The Organizer will block the Player's account within 5 (five) business days from the receipt of the application mentioned in Clause 11.2 of these Rules.
11.4. By blocking their account, the Player confirms their agreement with the consequences of the account blocking, namely:

- blocking access to placing bets in gambling games on the Website;
- blocking the possibility of making deposits on the Website;
- blocking the possibility of withdrawing the remaining funds on the Player's account on the Website;
- blocking access to the Player's account interface.

11.5. The Player's account may be unblocked at the Player's request.
11.6. To unblock the Player's account, the Player must send an official application of the established form to the email, which must be signed with the Player's qualified electronic signature.
11.7. The Organizer will unblock the Player's account within 5 (five) business days from the receipt of the application mentioned in Clause 11.6 of these Rules.
11.8. By unblocking their account, the Player confirms their agreement with the consequences of the account unblocking, namely:

- unblocking access to placing bets in gambling games on the Website;
- unblocking the possibility of making deposits on the Website;
- unblocking the possibility of withdrawing the remaining funds on the Player's account on the Website;
- unblocking access to the Player's account interface.